Broadening this out to the Freescale and Yocto mailing lists to see if
any one has any answers…
We are using Cog and WPE Webkit on an i.MX6 Solo based board with a user
interface that is based on HTML5, Javascript and CSS and are having some
issues with fading and other canvas effects. The board is running a
Yocto image with the following in conf/local.conf:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/wpebackend = "wpebackend-rdk"
PACKAGECONFIG_pn-wpebackend-rdk = "imx6"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-cairo = " glesv2 egl"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-wpewebkit = " 2dcanvas"
We start the browser with the following command line:
cog --enable-accelerated-2d-canvas=1 appui/index.html
Are there any other settings we should be using either in the Yocto
build or when launching Cog as we are finding the CPU usage is >90%?
Is there a definitive way to show that all of the necessary drivers are
loaded and Cog is making use of the GPU?
I have tried this with Cog 0.3.0 built with WPE WebKit 2.24.1 and Cog
0.4.0 built with WPE WebKit 2.26.1 and both give the same dissappointing
results, as does running on the iMX6Q-SDP board I also have here.
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