On 17/10/2019 03:45, karthik poduval wrote:
Upon looking at the
I find that the mxnet sub directory is empty, mxnet-dev,
mxnet-staticdev  have libmxnet.so and libmxnet.a respectively under

Don't set PACKAGES, as that's the default anyway.

So it *looks* like the mxnet recipe doesn't ship versioned libraries, which is very bad form for something from Apache. If this is the case then read https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/TipsAndTricks/Packaging_Prebuilt_Libraries#Non-versioned_Libraries.

If they do ship versioned libraries (by which I mean the library is libxmnet.so.1.2.3 or similar) then remove FILES and INSANE_SKIP, and let the packaging happen normally.

You've likely got the library package renamer enabled (it's on out of the box) so the resulting package will be libmxnet1 or similar, depending on the soname of the library.

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