
I have not received any feedback on the below email and I am not sure I am 
doing the right thing.

Can anyone provide some advice as to what would be the recommended way to apply 
kernel patches listed in a mybsp-patches.scc file for a BSP?

Adding the "mybsp-patches.scc" file to KERNEL_FEATURES works for me, but seems 
a bit awkward given that there is a BSP definition scc file. It feels more 
natural to include the mybsp-patches.scc from the BSP definition scc file, but  
that does not work for me, the patches are ignored.


Diego Santa Cruz, PhD
Technology Architect
T +41 21 341 15 50

From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org <yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org> On Behalf 
Of Diego Santa Cruz
Sent: 09 October 2019 23:58
To: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: [yocto] Kernel patches pulled from BSP definition file are not applied

Hello there,

I am trying to add a few BSP specific kernel patches for my BSP and I wanted to 
pull them from the BSP definition scc file. However, I cannot get those patches 
applied (I am using thud). After looking around the kernel-yocto.bbclass it 
seems that patches which get pulled from the BSP definition file are ignored. 
What is the rationale behind that behavior? How should I go about it?

To be more specific I have the following structure within my (recipe-space) 
kernel metadata.

`-- mybsp
    |-- mypatch.patch
    |-- mybsp.cfg
    |-- msbsp.scc
    `-- mybsp-standard.scc

The mybsp-standard.scc is the BSP definition file, which includes mybsp.scc 
(among other things). The mybsp.scc file looks as follows

kconf hardware mybsp.cfg
patch mypatch.patch

The mypatch.patch file does not get applied when building the kernel, I checked 
and it is not added to the patch.queue file. But if I add the following to the 

KERNEL_FEATURES += " bsp/mybsp/mybsp.scc"

Then the patch is added to patch.queue and is applied.

Looking into do_kernel_metadata in kernel-yocto.bbclass it parses the scc files 
in two steps, run1 and run2.

The run1 step uses elements="`echo -n ${bsp_definition} ${sccs} ${patches} 
${KERNEL_FEATURES}`" and generates cfg, merge and meta, so that picks up the 
mybsp.scc file contents, but this step does not generate the patch queue.

The run2 step uses elements="`echo -n ${sccs} ${patches} ${KERNEL_FEATURES}`" 
and generates the patch queue, but this only includes the scc files in SRC_URI 
and KERNEL_FEATURES, but specifically leaves out the BSP definition file.

Adding the mybsp.scc file to KERNEL_FEATURES to get this to work seems a bit 
odd. What is the recommended way of applying BSP specific kernel patches?


Diego Santa Cruz, PhD
Technology Architect

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