Hi guys,

I struggle to figure out an issue that I lately got into. I want to have a recipe which writes a manifest of all the layers part of the build. These layers are all git repositories and I want their revision to be exposed at runtime. So I obviously have a a python function which computes let's say, for the sake of example, a revision of one layer.

def get_rev(d):
    # returns revision of a repository

LAYER_REVISION := "${get_rev(d)}"

The recipe also has a `do_compile` variable dependency:
do_compile[vardeps] += "LAYER_REVISION"

Checking the task signature I see the inclusion of the expanded variable LAYER_REVISION.

Now, if I externally change the revision of that respective layer the task is not re-triggered even so the recipe environment reports the updated variable (bitbake -e). What is even more confusing is that if for whatever reason the do_compile task gets invalidated (or I force it), the build system returns a "basehash value changed" error.

I would expect that the change of revision to trickle a task invalidation and the task to be rerun but that doesn't seem to happen as described above.

Andrei Gherzan
yocto mailing list

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