On 19.09.2019 15:39, Patrick Doyle wrote:
> I have a set of data files (cryptographic keys) that I would like to
> share among several recipes in my build.  They won't go into the
> rootfs, but they will be used by multiple recipes that construct the
> rootfs.  So, to the best of my understanding, it seems like I should
> put them in sysroot and somehow access them from there.
> I constructed the following recipe:
> SUMMARY = "Development keys used by my image"
> DESCRIPTION = "Install the development keys in the sysroot so that they \
> can be referenced by other recipes."
> LICENSE = "Proprietary"
> "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/Proprietary;md5=0557f9d92cf58f2ccdd50f62f8ac0b28"
> SRC_URI = "file://keys"
> do_install() {
>     install -d ${D}/${datadir}
>     install -m 755 -d ${WORKDIR}/keys ${D}/${datadir}
> }
> FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/keys/"
> But when I attempt to bitbake this recipe, I get the following error:
> ERROR: development-keys-1.0-r0 do_package: QA Issue: development-keys:
> Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package:
>   /usr
>   /usr/share
> Ummm.... I don't put anything in /usr or /usr/share.
> I don't inherit from anything (other than base.bbclass) that puts
> anything in /usr or /usr/share.
You do. datadir is /usr/share.
> Does base.bbclass put anything in /usr or /usr/share?
> Why?
> I suppose I could follow the advice given in the error message and
> rm -rf ${D}/usr
> in my do_install() task, but I'd like to understand why and how those
> directories are being created in the first place?
> --wpd

Maciej Pijanowski
Embedded Systems Engineer
https://3mdeb.com | @3mdeb_com

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