Hello all,

I have found that if I write the image using the created *.wic file, kernel 
config is correctly updated (/proc/config.gz and .config are coherent). However 
if I use the created *.ext4 file to write a rootfs partition of target, 
previous kernel config still remains (kernel config used when target was 
written for first time using *.wic file still remains).
Any idea about how to keep kernel config updates in *.ext4 file?

Thanks in advance

De: María del Mar Velasco AERTEC Solutions – Aerospace & Aviation
Enviado el: viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2019 10:50
Para: 'yocto@yoctoproject.org' <yocto@yoctoproject.org>
Asunto: incohenrence between defconf, .config and /proc/config.gz

Dear all,

I have built an image after doing changes in kernel config by adding a layer 
that adds lines in .config file. This changes lead me to an undesired 
configuration, so I decided to undo the last kernel config. When I remove the 
layer that adds lines in .config file, I ensure that kernel is clean by doing 
bitbake -c cleanall linux-xxx. Then I build again the image. I can see .config 
file is exactly equal than defconf kernel file. However, when I write image 
into the target, /proc/config.gz file is inconsistent with .config file and it 
preserves some lines that are missing in .config file.

Could somebody give me an advice about this issue? Why /proc/config.gz is not 
equal than .config file?

Thanks in advance
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