On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 7:10 AM Matteo Facchinetti <
matteo.facchine...@sirius-es.it> wrote:

> Il giorno mer 4 set 2019 alle ore 15:54 Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com> ha
> scritto:
>> On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 2:58 AM Matteo Facchinetti <
>> matteo.facchine...@sirius-es.it> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a problem with a custom kernel module's recipe that depends to an
>>> other module (in-tree).
>>> My kernel module recipes built seems OK, but I have a problem when doing
>>> the rootfs image stage.
>>> Error:
>>>  Problem: package packagegroup-console-sirlinux-1.0-r0.0.noarch requires
>>> canopen-sync, but none of the providers can be installed
>>>   - package canopen-sync-git-r0.2.neo_sirius requires
>>> kernel-module-canopen-sync-4.9.51-yocto-standard, but none of the providers
>>> can be installed
>>>   - conflicting requests
>>>   - nothing provides kernel-module-xeno-can-4.9.51-yocto-standard needed
>>> by kernel-module-canopen-sync-4.9.51-yocto-standard-git-r0.2.neo_sirius
>> It seems this modules is not built can you check if that’s the case ? You
>> might look for ipk or rpm in deploy area with this name
> I have checked and module is built.
> In build/tmp/deploy/rpm/neo_sirius there's this file:
> kernel-module-xeno-can-4.9.51+ipipe+git0+0774eacea2_089d772038-r0.1.neo_sirius.rpm

This has different version than what dep is asking for

>>> ERROR: sirlinux4-image-qt4e-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Function failed: do_rootfs
>>> ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
>>> /workspace/neo-sirius_sirlinux4/build/tmp/work/neo_sirius-poky-linux-gnueabi/sirlinux4-image-qt4e/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.9126
>>> ERROR: Task
>>> (/workspace/neo-sirius_sirlinux4/meta-sirlinux/recipes-qt4/images/sirlinux4-image-qt4e.bb:do_rootfs)
>>> failed with exit code '1'
>>> I don't understand how exactly the modules dependencies works...
>>> Initially, I suppose that PROVIDES variable was updated automatically
>>> with the correct modules names when compiled like module from kernel but
>>> now, I don't know if I have to specify it manually or is there any other
>>> way?
>>> Regards,
>>> Matteo
>>> --
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