Hello Everyone,

i am using Yocto on the thud branch to build images for a real-time
operating system based on FreeRTOS. I would like to run multiple images
on different CPU cores in an asynchronous multi-processing (AMP) configuration.
Each image will contain the software for only one single core. For
deployment, i would like to pack all images into one package.

Therefore, i would like to use multiconfig to build the same recipe four
times for the same hardware but with different compiler options,
determined by to core the image should run on. These builds are all based on
the same source code but differ in compiler options used for building. After
the images for all configurations are built, i would like to pack all images
into a single package for deployment.

I have created two recipes, one called amp-image, that should be built
once for every multiconfig. A second recipe called master-image,
depends on amp-image for every configuration, i.e. i have the line

do_compile[mcdepends] = "multiconfig:amp-c0:amp-c0:amp-image:do_build 

in my master-image.bb file. I also have set up my multiconfigs according
to [0].

When i try to build master-image with 

bitbake multiconfig:amp-c0:master-image

i get an error, which i have attached in [1].

My question is: Is it generally possible for a recipe to depend on one
recipe multiple times but from a different multiconfig, like shown above?
Also, if possible, are the sysroots of the dependencies automatically
populated to the recipe depending on them, like with the usual DEPENDS

Thanks for any help!
Johannes Wiesboeck

[1] https://home.in.tum.de/~wiesboec/bitbake.txt
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