
On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 12:20 PM Mauro Ziliani <ma...@faresoftware.it> wrote:
> Hi all
> I working on a image recipe.
> If I include the layer meta-raspberrypi layer  I'd like to include
> recipes-code/images/rpi-basic-image-bb.
> While if i not include meta-raspberrypi layer I don't include
> rpi-basic-image.
> How can I do that?
I think this should just work if you use "include
recipes-core/images/rpi-basic-image.bb" in the recipe, since "include"
only includes a file if it exist and will not fail if it doesn't
exist. As opposed to "require" which will do the same as "include" if
the file exist, but fail if it doesn't exist.


> I don't understand, but I suppose I need to read bitbake manual.
> MZ
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