Current Dev Position: YP 2.8 M3

Next Deadline: YP 2.8 Milestone M3 Cutoff (Feature Freeze) Aug 25, 2019


SWAT Team Rotation:

*       SWAT lead is currently: Paul 
*       SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Ross on Aug. 2, 2019
*       SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Amanda on Aug. 9, 2019
*        <>


Next Team Meetings:

*       Bug Triage meeting Thursday August 1st at 7:30am PDT (
*       Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday August 6th at 8am PDT (
*       Twitch - Next event is Tuesday August 6th at 8am PDT (


Key Status/Updates:

*       YP 2.8 M2 rc1 is in QA which is due to complete on Wednesday
*       YP 2.6.3 will build to go into QA on Wednesday
*       We have a new "newcomer" bug category which are bugs suited to
someone new to the project. These can be seen here:
*       The Yocto Project TSC has determined how it plans to operate and put
the details into the appropriate wiki page:
<> It is intended as a decision making
body of last resort, if there are issues people wish it to address, please
raise them with one of its members.
*       After discussion in various places its been agreed that the next
project release will be "3.0", to replace "2.8". The 2.8 placeholder may
continue to be used, particularly in the bugzilla. There are many good
reasons to bump the version, the most recent being the runqueue changes
allowing build optimizations based upon output equivalence (see below) but
also including the new project governance, the autobuilder, improved test
coverage any many other things.
*       There are patches available which enable runqueue optimisations
based on output comparisons of tasks. This removes the need to run later
tasks if the output is unchanged and is based upon the previous hash
equivalence server work. This feature should be a significant win for the
users and is now working to a level where we'll likely make this a key
feature of the next release. These patches are being tested in master-next
at present.
*       There are also changes in -next which are being considered which
change several bitbake APIs around runqueue. The feeling is now may be the
best time to clean up several interfaces. If there are other API fixes
people want to see, now is a good time to mention them.
*       The project is working on some mentor and mentee opportunities.
Please see the separate email from Nicolas on the yocto list about this.


Planned Releases for YP 2.8:

*       M2 is in QA
*       M2 Release 26th July
*       M3 Cutoff (Feature Freeze) 25th Aug
*       M3 Release 6th Sept
*       M4 Cutoff 30th Sept
*       2.8 (M4) Final Release 25th Oct


Planned upcoming dot releases:

*       YP 2.7.2 (Warrior) is planned for after 2.8 M2  release.
*       YP 2.6.3 (Thud) is intended for build after 2.7.1 is complete and
before 2.8 M3.


Tracking Metrics:

*       WDD 2466 (last week 2483) (
*       Poky Patch Metrics  

*       Total patches found: 1498 (last week 1499)
*       Patches in the Pending State: 619 (41%) [last week 623 (42%)]


Key Status Links for YP:





The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:


[If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this
weekly status update, let us know!]




Stephen K. Jolley

Yocto Project Project Manager

*    Cell:                (208) 244-4460

* Email:    


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