Am 22.07.19 um 18:34 schrieb Khem Raj:
On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 12:43 PM Stefan Herbrechtsmeier
<> wrote:


what would be the best solution to create an image from deployed files?

The wic bootimg-partition plugin copy over files listed in
IMAGE_BOOT_FILES and create a partition inside the wic image. The
image.bbclass creates an image from individual packages.

I want to create an image like the image.bbclass but from deployed files
like the wic bootimg-partition plugin.

I have add an image_types_vfat.bbclass to create vfat images, move the
common parts from image.bbclass into image-common.bbclass and add a
boot-image.bbclass. This class duplicates some code from the wic
bootimg-partition plugin inside the do_rootfs function and add some
dummy tasks to minimize the changes in the common code.

I wonder if this is the right direction or if another solution exists.

I would think you can add a wic kickstart image to generate your desired image

How should this work? I need an image of a single partition without MBR or GPT. Furthermore I have multiple independent images with different sizes.

Meanwhile I have a working solution with a bare-image bbclass which installs a list of images from the deploy directory into the image rootfs. This images could be used by other wic and swupdate images. Thereby the bare-image bbclass supports all image types plus vfat and with two additional patches the wic rawcopy plugin supports on the fly unpack of packed images.

Best regards
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