On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 2:05 AM Gabriele Zampieri
<gabbla.mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> thank you for the clarification.
> I have no idea on how to encapsulate the output of bitbake into another image 
> in a nice and clean way. I'm pretty sure that you must run two separate 
> bitbake, one per MACHINE.
> What about a partitioned USB stick? You could have the base partition schema 
> plus an extra partition that contains the production image. The 
> implementation depends on which tool you are going to use to partition the 
> output image (if any).
> Gabriele
Thanks again for your thoughts, ideas, and conversation.  Based on
this conversation and further research around the web, it seems like
defining a new MACHINE is the best/only way to go.  (This is where you
say, "That's what I TOLD you at the beginning!!!!)

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