Yocto Project Monthly Meeting
MINUTES: 7/16/2019

Attendees: Richard, Armin, JoshuaW, Bruce, Michael,  Frederic, Tim, Vineela, 
David, Trevor

  * Status update will go out later today: 
  * Richard will not be at ELC San Diego (limited conference budget)

Tim: Python 3.4 is on Debian 8, wants to move YP to Python 3.5 as minimum

Armin: Will we move to Kernel 5.2? Bruce: we will follow the published YP 
policy on kernel updates.  LTS release timing has been close and/or after YP 
release dates so will probably miss again this year. The version is usually 
picked after Linux Plumbers.

Armin: LSB versus LTS? Richard: there are two tests, (a) Poky LSB and (b) 
Kernel X.Y, and we propose to drop the Poky LSB test.

Bruce: Kernel 5.3 will not be ready for our release, so probably 5.2 will be 
the number.

Richard: considering to number YP release as 3.0 instead of 2.8, because of 
many changes (especially runqueue). Tim noted also the major transition to 
Python 3, and Michael noted we did a similar jump for YP-2.0. Question: will 
there be a functional change with this numbering transition? Richard: no.

Richard: question to Joshua about hash state equivalency? Runqueue could 
support it. Joshua: currently there are issues in the persistent state. 
Richard: would like this feature for 3.0, and are there any implications? 
Joshua: cannot complete this and reproducibility by himself. Richard: might 
help with this effort since these changes can “put us on the map”.

Trevor: will move to hash equivalency reduce runqueue time? Richard: potential 
gains. Even local set can receive a huge speed gain, for example a 
non-impacting change to “core-native” would no longer trigger unneeded global 

Trevor: LSB removal. LTP like LSB? Richard: LTP supported, LSB dead.

Michael: Mailing list transition still in progress. Lists will become 

Joshua: Zoom links for this meeting are wrong. Michael: there are several links 
for this time slot for the two overlapping meetings. Will try to consolidate on 
the more popular link (or may cancel both and create a new one). Will also need 
to update Google Calendar.

- David

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