On 18.07.2019 09:34, jaymin.da...@vivaldi.net wrote:
> Hi Maciej,
> Thanks for the link.
> If I want to use different(updated) version of a particular function,
> e.g. Python, Is is possible?
> As per link Jethro is supporting Python version 2.7.9. I want to
> integrate Python version 2.7.16 and Python3 3.7.
> So, Do I need to use another branch which is supporting these versions
> or Is there any way to integrate these versions without changing
> current(Jethro) branch?
> In my case, I have limitation. Can't change to any other branch.
> I want to integrate Python3-Numpy, Python3-OpenCV, Python-Scipy and
> Python3-scipy modules in the build.
> Python3-Scipy is dependent on Python3-Numpy and Python3-Numpy is
> dependent on OpenBLAS, ATLAS and few other libraries. While these
> libraries are dependent on FORTRAN (libgfortran) compiler. Now, in my
> current (Jethro) branch, when I am trying to build libgfortran, it
> requires GCC version >=5. And, facing so many errors while building
> GCC 5.2 in the Yocto build. While GCC 5.2.0 is already supported in
> the Jethro.
Do you mind sharing the reason being tied to this old branch?
You could try to port newer recipes from more recent branches to the
Jehtro. But I believe
this may be more tedious and more time consuming than resolving the original
isssue of yours (upgrading from Jethro to more recent branch).
> In simple,
> How can I integrate Python3-Numpy, Python-Scipy, Python3-Scipy and
> Python3-OpenCV packages without changing the branch?
> What is the simplest way to integrate above packages?
> Please suggest.
> Regards,
> Jaymin
> On 18-07-2019 12:24 PM, Maciej Pijanowski wrote:
>> The link to the search engine:
>> https://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/branch/master/recipes/
>> On 18.07.2019 07:41, jaymin.da...@vivaldi.net wrote:
>>> Hello Team,
>>> Which Python, Python-OpenCV, Python-Numpy, Python-Scipy and OpenCV
>>> (max)versions are supported in Yocto 2.0.3 (Jethro) distro version?
>>> Can I get list of notes in which version of all supported modules have
>>> been mentioned?
>>> Please let me know.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jaymin
>> -- 
>> Maciej Pijanowski
>> Embedded Systems Engineer
>> https://3mdeb.com | @3mdeb_com
>> -- 
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Maciej Pijanowski
Embedded Systems Engineer
https://3mdeb.com | @3mdeb_com

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