On 08.07.2019 14:20, Zoran Stojsavljevic wrote:
>>> It was never polished for upstream...
> Why? Any viable reason(s)?
Simply no resources and use-case for that.

I've used the ddcutils project only once and never touched it since then.
>>> ... and it likely have some issues with the latest ddcutil releases.
> Which issues? Could you, Maciej, please, explain/elaborate
> theme/problems observed by you in more details?
I have no idea. I'm just guessing that an old, dirty recipe might not
work properly now.
I've pushed what I found here:
If anyone is interested, please feel free to try.
I'm not sure if it will build properly now.
I can provide some support and explanation if needed to make the proper

> Thank you,
> Zoran
> _______
> On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 1:12 PM Maciej Pijanowski
> <maciej.pijanow...@3mdeb.com> wrote:
>> On 04.07.2019 19:02, Devendra Devadiga wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hi
>> I am working on i.MX6 platform.
>> I got the BSP by yocto build.
>> I need the "ddcutil" package.
>> By yocto how I can get this package?
>> In openembedded, layers list I checked for ddcutil, but I didn't get that.
>> If source code for "ddcutil" is available can you share it with me?
>> If you share the source then it will be more helpful for me.
>> I have an old recipe for this tool somewhere.
>> It was never polished for upstream, and it likely have some issues
>> with the latest ddcutil releases. How about I push the patch and
>> you will help me with testing / improving that?
>> Thanks,
>> In the below mailing list, I came to know that someone built the recipes for 
>> "ddcutil".
>> https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/yocto/2017-April/035740.html
>> But I can't able to get that.
>> Please can you share the source code of "ddcutil"?
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Devendra
>> --
>> Maciej Pijanowski
>> Embedded Systems Engineer
>> https://3mdeb.com | @3mdeb_com
>> --
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Maciej Pijanowski
Embedded Systems Engineer
https://3mdeb.com | @3mdeb_com

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