Current Dev Position: YP 2.8 M2 Next Deadline: YP 2.8 Milestone 2 Cutoff July 14th, 2019
SWAT Team Rotation: * SWAT lead is currently: Chen * SWAT team rotation: Chen -> Armin on July 5, 2019 * SWAT team rotation: Armin -> Amanda on July 12, 2019 * <> Next Team Meetings: * Bug Triage meeting Thursday July 11th at 7:30am PDT ( <> * Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday July 2nd at 8am PDT ( <> * Twitch - Next event is Tuesday 9th July at 8am PDT ( <> Key Status/Updates: * 2.7.1 rc1 is in QA * Emails about the mailing list transition are being prepared and we now have a plan to move forward. The list addresses will need to change, archive URLs should remain available. * We have a new "newcomer" bug category which are bugs suited to someone new to the project. These can be seen here: <> * There is a discussion on the mailing list about reproducibility in the project, please respond there if you have opinions. * The autobuilder is continuing to see NFS glitches, we know how to unblock them but aren't sure of the cause at present. * There is a performance issue with the autobuilder UI we've been debugging where build cancellation in particular locks the controller up for several minutes. Switching the database backend from sqlite to mysql after advice from upstream unfortunately didn't help. The switch has helped some other UI responsiveness though. * There is a recurring pigz threads problem occuring in builds. There is a patch in -next to try and get more debug, the problem has never occurred with the patch applied. Its unclear if pigz 2.4 has a fix as the failures only occurred with 2.3.3 (from the host). There are no obvious differences in the area of the code where the errors occurs between the versions. * There has been a significant change in behaviour in do_package and handling of pkgdata which should result in better deterministic build and improve build performance. * We have hopefully now tracked down and resolved the various syslog restart races and automated testing failures Planned Releases for YP 2.8: * M2 Cutoff 14th July * M2 Release 26th July * M3 Cutoff (Feature Freeze) 25th Aug * M3 Release 6th Sept * M4 Cutoff 30th Sept * 2.8 (M4) Final Release 25th Oct Planned upcoming dot releases: * YP 2.7.1 (Warrior) has been submitted to QA. * YP 2.6.3 (Thud) is intended for build after 2.7.1 is complete and before 2.8 M2 Tracking Metrics: * WDD 2484 (last week 2482) ( <> * Poky Patch Metrics * Total patches found: 1505 (last week 1509) * Patches in the Pending State: 638 (42%) [last week 638 (42%)] Key Status Links for YP: <> <> <> The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at: <> [If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this weekly status update, let us know!] Thanks, Stephen K. Jolley Yocto Project Project Manager * Cell: (208) 244-4460 * Email: <>
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