First, Fido/1.8 is very old: released in April 2015 and is now out of
support, has no security fixes, etc.  So I'd first suggest upgrading
to a supported release.

If you can't, then the easiest thing to do would be to look at the
log.do_compile for that recipe in your build directory, or use ps in
'forest' mode to see what process is hanging and figure out why that


On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 at 08:40, Onur Eser <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to build a yocto for i.MX6, with a QT5 layer, everything is okay, 
> but it freezes on 2666th task! When 4 tasks are running at the same time in 
> normal, when it comes to 2666th, it is only one task and takes forever! (I 
> made it wait for one night)
> Build Configuration:
> BB_VERSION        = "1.26.0"
> BUILD_SYS         = "x86_64-linux"
> NATIVELSBSTRING   = "Ubuntu-16.04"
> TARGET_SYS        = "i586-poky-linux"
> MACHINE           = "qemux86"
> DISTRO            = "poky"
> DISTRO_VERSION    = "1.8.2"
> TUNE_FEATURES     = "m32 i586"
> TARGET_FPU        = ""
> meta              = "fido:87631919819b6f85f23f57689cd1065c64d7fb03"
> meta-qt5          = "fido:90919b9d86988e7da01fa2c0a07246b5b5600a5d"
> meta-fsl-arm      = "fido:c9f259a4bf8472dfa3ff75f1c3fcbe5e0ded7aaf"
> meta-solidrun-arm-imx6 = "fido:3e496c0895b0abf8d2aaca2c622246c1f9f3ed75"
> meta-yocto
> meta-yocto-bsp    = "fido:87631919819b6f85f23f57689cd1065c64d7fb03"
> NOTE: Preparing RunQueue
> NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
> NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
> Currently 1 running tasks (2666 of 5960):
> 0: attr-native-2.4.47-r0 do_compile (pid 3485)
> How to solve this?
> Thanks,
> Onur
> --
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