>> ~/bbb/meta-bbb/scripts$ export OETMP=/oe7/bbb/tmp-warrior
>> Then run the copy_boot.sh script passing the location of SD card

I forgot how inheritance schema works with shells. When you run
copy_boot.sh script, it'll spawn for you new shell, and, IIRC, it
should inherit OETMP from parent shell. You can try to experiment, and
export OETMP command embed into copy_boot.sh file/script, and see what
is happening. You also can, as first command after #!/bin/bash, to
issue env command, and see what variables you have inherited from
parent shell.

In my opinion, this problem has very little to do with YOCTO building
system... Am I really (!) correct?


On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 3:42 PM danwe <daniel.wenninge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have successfully build BeagleBone systems with Yocto.
> I have used this site:
> https://jumpnowtek.com/beaglebone/BeagleBone-Systems-with-Yocto.html
> Now I need to copy the binaries to an SD card and have a question to the 
> following:
> In the instruction I can read the following:
> ``````````````````````````
> This copy_boot.sh script needs to know the TMPDIR to find the binaries. It 
> looks for an environment variable called OETMP.
> For instance, if I had this in the local.conf
> TMPDIR = "/oe7/bbb/tmp-warrior"
> Then I would export this environment variable before running copy_boot.sh
> ~/bbb/meta-bbb/scripts$ export OETMP=/oe7/bbb/tmp-warrior
> Then run the copy_boot.sh script passing the location of SD card
> ~/bbb/meta-bbb/scripts$ ./copy_boot.sh sdb
> ```````````````````````
> I did that but it shows me the following error:
> OETMP: /oe7/bbb/tmp-warrior
> Directory not found: /oe7/bbb/tmp-warrior/deploy/images/beaglebone
> So my question is if I need to uncomment TMPDIR = "/oe7/bbb/tmp-warrior" in 
> my local.conf when doing this or not? --> I tried both.
> So my copy_boot.sh looks for an environment variable called OETMP. And OETMP 
> should know the TMPDIR (directory). But what should I export?
> Thanks.
> Daniel
> --
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