Hello Stefano,
Thanks very much for your answer
On 14.06.19 14:14, Stefano Babic wrote:
Hi Moritz,
On 14/06/19 12:19, Moritz Porst wrote:
(Sorry, the answer should go to everyone)
Thanks for your response, unfortunately it didn't work out for me.
Because I am not 100% sure whether I did the correct thing I describe it:
In my layer I went to recipes-kernel/kernel/files, here I added a file
defconfig which I filled with the content of your config-initramfs
my linux-yocto_%.bbappend, residing one level lower (kernel), got this
file added so it reads (in its entirety):
SRC_URI += "file://0001-sdcard-power-management-off.patch"
SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"
However I *also* have a file called defconfig in meta-swupdate which is
basically the swupdate config that comes from menuconfig. I let this
untouched but since this is not the kernel defconfig I guess you didn't
mean this file ?
Additionally I can't mount the rootfs with the failed boot so I cannot
access the dmesg log file. Any advice here ?
Best regards
*Gesendet:* Freitag, 14. Juni 2019 um 11:00 Uhr
*Von:* "Zoran Stojsavljevic" <zoran.stojsavlje...@gmail.com>
*An:* "Moritz Porst" <moritz.po...@gmx.de>
*Cc:* "Yocto Project" <yocto@yoctoproject.org>
*Betreff:* Re: [yocto] [meta-swupdate] failed update leads to kernel panic
However if I abort the update while running (i.e. simulating a power cut)
and then reboot I end up in a kernel panic: "Unable to mount rootfs on
unknown block". My understanding is that I should at least end up in a
busybox or that the update is retried, but this does not happen.
You missed to attach failed dmesg while the system booted and aborted.
Nevertheless, I expect problem with your defconfig, which does NOT
have options set for initramfs. These ones:
Please, could you add these one to your current .config, this might
very well solve your problem.
Best Regards,
On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 10:15 AM Moritz Porst <moritz.po...@gmx.de> wrote:
I am currently having trouble to get swupdate working properly.
My problem:
I can execute swupdate -i normally and if the update fits I have no
problem. However if I abort the update while running (i.e. simulating a
power cut) and then reboot I end up in a kernel panic: "Unable to mount
rootfs on unknown block". My understanding is that I should at least end
up in a busybox or that the update is retried, but this does not happen.
I receive 1 error when updating which does not stop the update: "Could
not find MTD".
My configuration:
I have a single rootfs and a separate boot partition. I build the
initramfs using:
You have a *single* rootfs, you stop an upgrade (resulting of course in
a corrupted rootfs or worse), and you wonder that kernel cannot mount
it....your update concept is broken.
Well conceptually I want to go through the bootloader, I just fail to
understand how I tell swupdate to do this.
You *must* check the bootloader marker in U-Boot (default is the
"recovery_status" variable) and you *mus*t start again the updater (the
ramdisk) until the marker (it is a transaction flag) is set. It is
erased by SWUpdate only after a successful update. You are now starting
your board with a half-completed update.
So I configured swupdate in menuconfig to work with grub which I set in
my machine as "EFI_PROVIDER". Doesn't this single rootfs update strategy
work with grub ? (I prefer to stick to EFI because partitioning of
images works out of the box with .wic images)
When you say "you must start again the updater", that's where I'm lost.
From the documentation I understand that I initiate an update using
"swupdate -i abc.swu" but this just runs the update without setting any
flag for the bootloader.
One more thing: swupdate complains that there is no grubenv file. I
defined a path in the config file and create this file using
"grub-editenv /path/as/in/config create". swupdate does not give an
error after I have done this.
Best regards,
Stefano Babic
Best regards
IMAGE_INSTALL = "base-files \
base-passwd \
swupdate \
busybox \
libconfig \
util-linux-sfdisk \
mtd-utils \
mtd-utils-ubifs \
${@bb.utils.contains('SWUPDATE_INIT', 'tiny',
'virtual/initscripts-swupdate', 'initscripts sysvinit', d)} \
This is taken from swupdate-image. I include the same packages (via
_append) in my base image, is this necessary ?
I bundle the initramfs with my image using INITRAMFS_IMAGE_BUNDLE = "1"
Can you see a mistake I made ?
Best regards
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