QA cycle report for 2.8 M1 RC2: 1. No high milestone defects. 2. Test results are available at following location: • For results of all automated tests, please refer to results at public AB [1] • For other test results, refer to git repo " yocto-testresults-contrib" [2] • For test report for test cases run by Intel and WR team, refer to git repo " yocto-testresults-contrib" [2] 3. 3 new defects are found in this cycle, BSP HW - parselog issue [3], BSP HW - audio issue [4], qemux86 oe-selftest failure on AB [5] 4. ptests failing in this release which were passing in previous release - acl [6]. 3 timeout issues observed in ptests - acl [7], bluez5 [8] and mdadm [9]. Richard's comments on ptest failures: There are three timeouts in ptest, acl, bluez5 (#13366) and mdadm (#13368). These are also not going to block the milestone release. The bluez5 issue is gcc9 related, mdadm was exposed by wider testing in master. The acl issue needs a bug opening and investigation as that is a regression. Summary of ptest in this build: qemuarm64-ptest: Total : 435597 Pass : 433344 Fail : 65 Skip : 2188 Timeout issues in bluez5 and mdadm qemux86-64-ptest Total : 45346 Pass : 43235 Fail : 56 Skip : 2055 Timeout issues in acl, bluez5 and mdadm
5. Summary of ltp test run in this build: qemuarm64-ltp Total : 1886 Pass : 1759 Fail : 127 qemux86-64-ltp Total : 1879 Pass : 1825 Fail : 54 ======= Links ======== [1] - [2] - git clone -b zeus [3] - [QA 2.8 M1 RC1][BSP HW] parselogs.ParseLogsTest.test_parselogs failure on coffeelake [4] - [QA 2.8 M1 RC1][BSP HW] audio is not playing on coffeelake and nuc7 [5] - [QA 2.8 M1 RC1] test_boot_machine_slirp is showing error for qemux86 [6] - [QA 2.8 M1 RC1] acl ptest failure [7] - acl ptest timeout due to perl update [8] - bluez5 ptest hangs with gcc 9 [9] - mdadm ptest times out Thanks & Regards, Sangeeta Jain -- _______________________________________________ yocto mailing list