On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 8:26 PM Morné Lamprecht <mo...@linux.com> wrote:
> >I would check run.do_rootfs and check it maybe
> >there will be some more info.
> I checked it based on your suggestion,
> unfortunately found no relevant info.
> >Do you have some custom extension for hostapd?
> No, just the standard package.
Which startup system do you use (sysVinit or systemd)?
You can take a look at poky/meta/classed/update-rc.d.bbclass which
checks various parameters and try to debug it (by adding some
By my guess is that some misconfiguration between systemd/sysvinit
must cause this issue. Thanks.
>                 - Morné



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Marek Belisko - OPEN-NANDRA
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