On 31.05.2019 08:47, Belisko Marek wrote:
> Hi Maciej,
> On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 1:08 PM Maciej Pijanowski
> <maciej.pijanow...@3mdeb.com> wrote:
>> On 29.05.2019 09:39, Belisko Marek wrote:
>>> Hi Dimitris,
>>> On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 9:03 AM Dimitris Tassopoulos <dimt...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Marek,
>>>> that's correct. I have a branch though which I've started to experiment 
>>>> and add support for Mali. I didn't finished because I've tried to do this 
>>>> by myself from the scratch and soon I've hit a wall. Nevertheless, I've 
>>>> done the same for the rk3399 for nanopi-neo4 and during this process I've 
>>>> learned a lot on how to do it with some help from other people from the 
>>>> open source scene. The graphics stack was too complicated for me in the 
>>>> beginning.
>>> You can maybe look to meta-sunxi there is sunxi-mali driver +
>>> libraries which will add support for that. When I've set that package
>>> to PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/gles2 I get issues with compilation
>>> gtk3+ and others. I've spend 2 hours looking and trying yesterday but
>>> without any success. Also pls look at this communication:
>>> https://github.com/linux-sunxi/meta-sunxi/issues/144 (looks like we
>>> can use opensource drivers + libs later). Thanks.
>> What are you trying to achieve? Which kernel version are you using?
>> Isn't the mali recipe in meta-sunxi quite dated already? Can it work
>> with mainline kernel correctly?
>> I would suggest to try the recent blobs as described in this post:
>> https://bootlin.com/blog/mali-opengl-support-on-allwinner-platforms-with-mainline-linux/
>> As I've written previously, I have been using the Wayland / Qt with
>> good performance on H3 using the mainline kernel. Is it something you
>> are looking for?
>> You can take a look at my dirty branch - maybe this will be any help:
>> https://github.com/3mdeb/meta-sunxi/tree/weston-with-kms/recipes-graphics/mali
> I've took some patches and now core-image-sato can be build. I have
> just one question for mali kernel module. Does it need some dts
> changes or it will work out of the box (I didn't see any dts changes
> in your branch thus I'm asking).
> Thanks.
Depending on the board. I think since then, most of the baords
already have mali node in the devicetree. Especially all the H3
baords should have it.
>> Unfortunately, I had stopped working on that and presently do not have much
>> time to clean up / get back to it. I can provide some support and / or get
>> back to it if it seems valuable and there is some interest.
>>>> Therefore now that I feel much more confident with it I'm going to re-try 
>>>> and finish with my branch. Armbian does have support, so I'll try to stick 
>>>> to the Armbian backend for maintenance reasons.
>>>> I hope that this will be rather easy, because the dri driver should 
>>>> already be there, so the only thing I believe is needed is the blobs and 
>>>> to create symlinks for the various so libs to that blob.
>>>> Anyway, I'll try to do that also. In the meantime I will also wait a bit 
>>>> to see if that merge between those two layers is possible and doable, 
>>>> which will help to short the time and effort to do that.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Dimitris
>>> BR,
>>> marek
>>>> Belisko Marek <marek.beli...@gmail.com> schrieb am Mi., 29. Mai 2019, 
>>>> 08:37:
>>>>> Hi Dimitris,
>>>>> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 1:07 PM Dimitris Tassopoulos <dimt...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Enrico,
>>>>>> I'm totally positive to any possibility for such integration. 
>>>>>> Personally, that was the first thing I've tried to do before I start 
>>>>>> this layer, but I've failed as it got really complex and the overhead 
>>>>>> was too much after some point (at least for me). If you have look it's 
>>>>>> actually a mix of meta-sunxi and armbian, but I had to remove or change 
>>>>>> many stuff to fit the armbian in the layer.
>>>>>> If you have time to have a look to my layer and you think that such kind 
>>>>>> of integration is possible and can be done in a more easy way, then from 
>>>>>> my side I'm all in.
>>>>>> I believe that re-using the armbian patches is easier as it makes 
>>>>>> maintenance much easier, there are more supported SBCs and also there is 
>>>>>> much more testing involved in armbian and frequent updates fix those 
>>>>>> bugs.
>>>>> I did check your layer and it seems that you're not using sunxi-mali
>>>>> for opengl HW acceleration only mesa so SW rendering? Thanks.
>>>>>> Please consider it and I can help as much as I can and my time allows 
>>>>>> for that integration.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Dimitris
>>>>> Marek
>>>>>> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 12:56 PM Enrico <ebut...@users.sourceforge.net> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 12:06 PM Dimitris Tassopoulos 
>>>>>>> <dimt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I was thinking about this also, too. The only reason is that in 
>>>>>>>>> meta-sunxi they do a great job and they keep their layer clean, which 
>>>>>>>>> is great I think. The other layers are just based on the armbian 
>>>>>>>>> distro, which is a lot different, but for me it was much easier to 
>>>>>>>>> integrate their patches, patching scripts and bootloader scripts to a 
>>>>>>>>> Yocto layer. That way the only thing I do is that from time to time I 
>>>>>>>>> just integrate their new patches and that's it. There's no 
>>>>>>>>> development in the layer is just re-use of the armbian work and a 
>>>>>>>>> wrapper around it. Therefore, it's hard, even no doable to put those 
>>>>>>>>> different architectures together. But definitely that decision also 
>>>>>>>>> bothered me a lot before I create the layer and I also don't like 
>>>>>>>>> time to be spend on the same thing from different people. 
>>>>>>>>> Nevertheless, from my point of view I couldn't find a way to put 
>>>>>>>>> those things together. I've tried but I couldn't do it.
>>>>>>>>> Therefore, it was easier for me to do it the way I've done it. And 
>>>>>>>>> after all, although it doesn't seem right, at the same time this is 
>>>>>>>>> the beauty of the open source. I think the layers are just 
>>>>>>>>> incompatible in the way that they are do things. Also it's not bad to 
>>>>>>>>> have alternatives.
>>>>>>>>> Sunxi is a great community and I believe many of the armbian patches 
>>>>>>>>> are coming from there. Others not. Of course, having them all 
>>>>>>>>> together would be nice. But I don't think that it's possible because 
>>>>>>>>> of the different approach.
>>>>>>> It would be great to integrate all those different layers in
>>>>>>> meta-sunxi,the main problem is that usually they come with their own
>>>>>>> bootloader/kernel/etc.... so you have to *maintain* all these
>>>>>>> different configurations.
>>>>>>> Infact in the past i refused to do such things because i didn't have
>>>>>>> the time to maintain all those different versions, it was just easier
>>>>>>> to support what was already in mainline uboot/kernel.
>>>>>>> But of course if someone wants to do it then it's welcome, the worst
>>>>>>> thing that can happen is that once an arch gets unmaintained it will
>>>>>>> be removed.
>>>>>>> One thing that can be done anyway is to have those external layers
>>>>>>> linked in the readme, so at least people will know they exist.
>>>>>>> Enrico
>> --
>> Maciej Pijanowski
>> Embedded Systems Engineer
>> https://3mdeb.com | @3mdeb_com
>> --
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> BR,
> marek

Maciej Pijanowski
Embedded Systems Engineer
https://3mdeb.com | @3mdeb_com

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