
Not really a Yocto question but I am trying to build an application
using our SDK. We are using CMake to build and are using
GNUInstallDIrs for managing our install paths. I thought
GNUInstallDirs should have the detected that the SDK was a multilib
which it dose in regards to finding packages since it will look for
libraries under /usr/lib64 but when looking into GNUInstallDirs it
will explicitly not try and detect if CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR should be
lib or lib64 when CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING is set which it is when using
the SDK. When building the same application in our image build it
works as expected and GNUInstallDirs will detect that it is a multilib
dir and install it under /usr/lib64. Could anyone point me to how we
manage this in poky/OE so I could potentially copy that to our SDK
Måns Zigher
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