Hi Ross,

thanks for clarifying that there are no dependencies between images.

Von: Burton, Ross [mailto:ross.bur...@intel.com]
Gesendet: Thursday, May 23, 2019 2:15 PM
An: Norman Stetter <norman.stet...@garz-fricke.com>
Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Betreff: Re: [yocto] Building single package as image, respecting dependencies

On Wed, 22 May 2019 at 14:28, Norman Stetter 
<norman.stet...@garz-fricke.com<mailto:norman.stet...@garz-fricke.com>> wrote:
Is there a way to have dependencies between images? So I could have the 
python-image build know which dependencies are already built into my OS image 
and therefore not include them itself?

No.  An image is a self-contained file system.  About 50% of your image recipe 
isn't helping your goal of an image that contains a single package.

What should be improved to achieve my goal of containing only the python3 
package and as little dependencies as possible?

I have to query your assumptions though: if you're going to have python3 in a 
filessytem that you mount when required, how are you saving space?

That seems to be a misunderstanding. I want to keep the OS image as small as 
possible to reduce boot time. We only use python for some test scenarios, so it 
doesn’t have to be included in the OS image. I did some measurements and 
including python3 in the OS image increased the boot time by over 30%. So the 
idea is to have it separately, and only mount it, when needed.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Norman Stetter
Garz & Fricke GmbH

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