Can you share the logfile via Pastebin?

On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 11:09 AM Greg Wilson-Lindberg <>

> Rudolf,
> Something else is happening to me. I changed to this in the image recipe:
> SAKURA_USER = "sakura"
> SAKURA_PASSWD = "Distracted"
> SAKURA_PASS = "$1$QVO3K6Ii$fvkoDKnlzz3d5uVoL7KcM0"
>     usermod -p '${SAKURA_PASS}' ${SAKURA_USER}; \
>     usermod -a -G sudo,dialout ${SAKURA_USER}; \
>     "
> deleting all of the commented out lines, and I get this in the log file:
> ..../scribe/1.0-r0/rootfs -p '' sakura]
> nothing between the single quotes. It's acting like SAKURA_PASS is not
> defined.
> This is only happening when I'm trying the MD5 password.
> Greg
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Rudolf Streif <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2019 5:37:23 AM
> *To:* Greg Wilson-Lindberg
> *Cc:* Yocto list discussion
> *Subject:* Re: [yocto] problem adding a user
> Greg,
> usermod does not work for the MD5 algorithm with the explicit password
> hash as it contains the $ field delimiters which are interpreted by the
> shell executing the usermod command. Use single quotes around the password
> hash:
> usermod -p '${SAKURA_PASS}' ${SAKURA_USER};
> :rjs
> On Mon, May 20, 2019, 11:55 Greg Wilson-Lindberg <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Rudolf,
>> I've had more time to work with this and I'm still having problems getting
>> everything to work properly. I've attached the image recipe recipe that I'm
>> using so I don't leave any thing out that may be relevant.
>> When I build with a password that is no more more than 8 characters long
>> and no non-alphabetic characters:
>> SAKURA_PASSWD = "Distract"
>> everything works correctly.
>> I first tried that using the `openssl ...` form, and then I tried the
>> -1, MD5 BSD form and had problems, so I changed to doing the openssl
>> on the command line and making sure that I don't have any characters
>> that display as '.' or '/'. Again, if I don't do more than 8 characters
>> and no special characters everything works.
>> When I changed to using 'Ds$tr@ct' it stopped working. The build finishes
>> and the log file shows the usermod being exectued correctly:
>> NOTE: scribe: Performing usermod with [-R 
>> /home/gwilson/Qt/Qt-5.12.3/Yocto-build-RPi3/build-raspberrypi3/tmp/work/raspberrypi3-poky-linux-gnueabi/scribe/1.0-r0/rootfs
>>  -p kyNsrvS0elMWU sakura]
>> NOTE: scribe: Performing usermod with [-R 
>> /home/gwilson/Qt/Qt-5.12.3/Yocto-build-RPi3/build-raspberrypi3/tmp/work/raspberrypi3-poky-linux-gnueabi/scribe/1.0-r0/rootfs
>>  -a -G sudo,dialout sakura]
>> But when I try to sign in it doesn't work.
>> I then tried the 10 character password 'Distracted', the build fails:
>> NOTE: scribe: Performing usermod with [-R 
>> /home/gwilson/Qt/Qt-5.12.3/Yocto-build-RPi3/build-raspberrypi3/tmp/work/raspberrypi3-poky-linux-gnueabi/scribe/1.0-r0/rootfs
>>  -p sakura]
>> Usage: usermod [options] LOGIN
>> Options:
>>   -c, --comment COMMENT         new value of the GECOS field
>>   -d, --home HOME_DIR           new home directory for the user account
>>   -e, --expiredate EXPIRE_DATE  set account expiration date to EXPIRE_DATE
>>   -f, --inactive INACTIVE       set password inactive after expiration
>>                                 to INACTIVE
>>   -g, --gid GROUP               force use GROUP as new primary group
>>   -G, --groups GROUPS           new list of supplementary GROUPS
>>   -a, --append                  append the user to the supplemental GROUPS
>>                                 mentioned by the -G option without removing
>>                                 him/her from other groups
>>   -h, --help                    display this help message and exit
>>   -l, --login NEW_LOGIN         new value of the login name
>>   -L, --lock                    lock the user account
>>   -m, --move-home               move contents of the home directory to the
>>                                 new location (use only with -d)
>>   -o, --non-unique              allow using duplicate (non-unique) UID
>>   -p, --password PASSWORD       use encrypted password for the new password
>>   -P, --clear-password PASSWORD use clear password for the new password
>>   -R, --root CHROOT_DIR         directory to chroot into
>>   -s, --shell SHELL             new login shell for the user account
>>   -u, --uid UID                 new UID for the user account
>>   -U, --unlock                  unlock the user account
>>   -v, --add-subuids FIRST-LAST  add range of subordinate uids
>>   -V, --del-subuids FIRST-LAST  remove range of subordinate uids
>>   -w, --add-subgids FIRST-LAST  add range of subordinate gids
>>   -W, --del-subgids FIRST-LAST  remove range of subordinate gids
>> ERROR: scribe: usermod command did not succeed.
>> So, even though I'm putting in the openssl output:
>> openssl passwd -1 "Distracted"
>> $1$QVO3K6Ii$fvkoDKnlzz3d5uVoL7KcM0
>> that I get back from what should be a valid run of openssl, I don't see 
>> anything
>> from the password on the usermod command line:
>>  "...linux-gnueabi/scribe/1.0-r0/rootfs -p sakura]"
>> I don't understand why the short passwords and passing along the proper hash 
>> works,
>> but not the longer password.
>> It also doesn't make sense that I can't put in the '$' & '@' characters and
>> have them work.
>> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>> Greg
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Rudolf Streif <>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 15, 2019 4:58:26 PM
>> *To:* Greg Wilson-Lindberg
>> *Cc:* Yocto list discussion
>> *Subject:* Re: [yocto] problem adding a user
>> Glad to hear that it works now. I am planning on attending the YP DevDay.
>> :rjs
>> On Wed, May 15, 2019, 13:53 Greg Wilson-Lindberg <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you very much, that got me back on the right path.
>>> Maybe I'll see you at the Yocto day at the Embedded Linux Conference.
>>> Regards,
>>> [image: cid:image001.png@01D35D7D.179A7510]
>>> *Greg Wilson-Lindberg  *
>>> *Principal Firmware Engineer | Sakura Finetek USA, Inc.  *
>>> 1750 W 214th Street | Torrance, CA 90501 | U.S.A.
>>> T: +1 310 783 5075
>>> F: +1 310 618 6902 | E:
>>> [image: cid:image002.png@01D35D7D.179A7510]
>>> [image: cid:image003.png@01D35D7D.179A7510]
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail transmission may contain
>>> confidential or legally privileged information that is intended only for
>>> the individual or entity named in the e-mail address. If you are not the
>>> intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying,
>>> distribution, or reliance upon the contents of this e-mail is strictly
>>> prohibited. If you have received this e-mail transmission in error, please
>>> reply to the sender, so that Sakura Finetek USA, Inc. can arrange for
>>> proper delivery, and then please delete the message from your inbox. Thank
>>> you.
>>> *From:* Rudolf J Streif []
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 15, 2019 01:30 PM
>>> *To:* Greg Wilson-Lindberg <>; Yocto list
>>> discussion <>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [yocto] problem adding a user
>>> Instead of
>>> useradd -p `openssl passwd test` sakura
>>> which attempts to add the user and set the password which fails if the
>>> user already exists, use
>>> usermod -p `openssl passwd test` sakura
>>> which sets the user's password.
>>> :rjs
>>> On 5/15/19 1:18 PM, Greg Wilson-Lindberg wrote:
>>> Ok, I had been using the useradd class in a couple of other recipes to
>>> allow me to copy files to the sakura user directory and another location,
>>> but owned by sakura. That seems to have been what was causing the problem.
>>> I had been using the extrausers class in my top level image recipe.
>>> So now how do I get all of this to work together? Do I need to put
>>> everything that touches the sakura user in the same recipe? It seems that I
>>> need to use only one of the useradd or extrausers classes?
>>> Greg
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Rudolf J Streif <>
>>> <>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 15, 2019 12:31 PM
>>> *To:* Greg Wilson-Lindberg; Yocto list discussion
>>> *Subject:* Re: [yocto] problem adding a user
>>> The ! for the password in /etc/shadow indicates that the account is
>>> disabled:
>>> sakura:!:18031:0:99999:7:::
>>> Either there is something wrong with the password generation or it gets
>>> disabled by something else. Maybe it's worth trying with a plain image
>>> without Boot2Qt or anything else.
>>> :rjs
>>> On 5/15/19 11:46 AM, Greg Wilson-Lindberg wrote:
>>> Hi Rudolf,
>>> 1st, yes I inherit extrausers. Attached are the passwd & shadow files.
>>> It shouldn't make any difference, but I'm building this for an RPi3
>>> using the Qt Boot2Qt version of the Yocto environment, distro 2.5.3.
>>> Greg
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Rudolf J Streif <>
>>> <>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 15, 2019 11:26 AM
>>> *To:* Greg Wilson-Lindberg; Yocto list discussion
>>> *Subject:* Re: [yocto] problem adding a user
>>> Hi Greg,
>>> > I've also tried both the back-quote and the single-quote, no
>>> difference.
>>> Help me to understand this. the back-quotes are the right ones. If you
>>> use the single ones your password in the /etc/shadow ends up being 'openssl
>>> passwd test' (without the quotes), unless the build fails because of a
>>> parsing error (I have not tried it). Silly question, you did inherit
>>> extrausers class?
>>> Can you post your /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
>>> I am surprised that this does not work with your setup. I have been
>>> doing this a gazillion times always with success.
>>> :rjs
>>> On 5/15/19 11:03 AM, Greg Wilson-Lindberg wrote:
>>> Hi Rudolf,
>>> Thanks for the reply, and the information on how openssl works.
>>> I'm trying to create a user with the same group name so the code that
>>> I'm using reduces to:
>>>     useradd -p `openssl passwd test` sakura; \
>>>     usermod -a -G sudo ${SAKURA_USER}; \
>>>     "
>>> I also, as you can see, removed the macros to eliminate as much
>>> confusion as possible.
>>> I still can't login in using the password 'test'.
>>> I've also tried both the back-quote and the single-quote, no difference.
>>> Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Rudolf J Streif <>
>>> <>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 15, 2019 10:07:47 AM
>>> *To:* Greg Wilson-Lindberg; Yocto list discussion
>>> *Subject:* Re: [yocto] problem adding a user
>>> Hi Greg,
>>> Well, I suppose I wrote the book you are referring to...
>>> Using
>>> useradd -p PASSWORD USER
>>> takes the password hash for PASSWORD hence the use of openssl in:
>>> useadd -p `openssl passwd PASSWORD` USER
>>> openssl password creates the password hash using the original crypt hash
>>> algorithm if no other options are specified. e.g.
>>> $ openssl passwd hello
>>> 6hEsTksgRkeiI
>>> With this the first two characters of the output is the salt and the
>>> rest is the password hash. If you want openssl to create the same result
>>> again:
>>> $ openssl passwd -salt "6h" hello
>>> 6hEsTksgRkeiI
>>> You can use newer algorithms like MD5 based BSD password algorithm 1:
>>> $ openssl passwd -1 hello
>>> $1$4Mu8Fcs.$eIKgPP7RCYrb3lFZjhADA1
>>> $1 : password algorithm 1
>>> $4Mu8Fcs. : salt
>>> $eIKgPP7RCYrb3lFZjhADA1 : password hash
>>> If you log into the system you have to use the clear password. The
>>> system reads the salt, creates the password hash and compares the
>>> results.
>>> :rjs
>>> On 5/14/19 5:34 PM, Greg Wilson-Lindberg wrote:
>>> > I'm trying to use the example in "Embedded Linux Systems with the
>>> Yocto Project" to add a user to my Yocto build. In the book the sample code:
>>> >
>>> >     useradd -p `openssl passwd ${DEV_PASSWORD}` developer; \
>>> >
>>> > uses openssl to generate the encrypted password string to pass to
>>> useradd. I have never been able to get this to work. When I run the openssl
>>> > command on the cmd line I get a different value every time, this seems
>>> wrong, How can the password code compare against it if every encode
>>> > produces a different value?
>>> >
>>> > I am getting the user added to the system, the home directory shows up
>>> and the user is in the passwd and group files. I just can't login to the
>>> > account.
>>> >
>>> > I've obviously got something confused, any help would be appreciated.
>>> >
>>> > Greg Wilson-Lindberg
>>> >
>>> --
>>> -----
>>> Rudolf J Streif
>>> CEO/CTO ibeeto
>>> +1.855.442.3396 x700
>>> --
>>> -----
>>> Rudolf J Streif
>>> CEO/CTO ibeeto
>>> +1.855.442.3396 x700
>>> --
>>> -----
>>> Rudolf J Streif
>>> CEO/CTO ibeeto
>>> +1.855.442.3396 x700
>>> --
>>> -----
>>> Rudolf J Streif
>>> CEO/CTO ibeeto
>>> +1.855.442.3396 x700

Rudolf J Streif
ibeeto, Streif Enterprises Inc.
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