
Upon further inspection, I found a previous commit that appears to
have a bit more information:

python: Restructure python packaging and replace it with autopackaging

The following text appears helpful:

How to add a new package:
 - If a user wants to add a new package all that has to be done is
   modify the python2-manifest.json file, and add the required file(s)
   to the FILES list, the script should handle all the rest.
   Real example:
   We want to add a web browser package, including the file webbrowser.py
   which at the moment is on python-misc.
   "webbrowser": {
       "files": ["${libdir}/python2.7/lib-dynload/webbrowser.py"],
       "rdepends": [],
       "summary": "Python Web Browser support"}

 Run bitbake python -c create_manifest and the resulting manifest
 should  be completed after a few seconds, showing something like:
   "webbrowser": {
      "files": ["${libdir}/python2.7/webbrowser.py"],
      "rdepends": ["core","fcntl","io","pickle","shell","subprocess"],
      "summary": "Python Web Browser support"}

So I add a section to my python3-manifest.json for the signal library
that I'm looking for:

    "signal": {
        "files": [
        "rdepends": [
        "summary": "Python signal library"

I then re-run bitbake python -c create_manifest like the instructions
state however my python3-manifest.json is sadly unmodified and bitbake
still indicates that nothing rprovides 'python3-signal'

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 11:28 PM Davis Roman <davis.roma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I upgraded to Sumo(2.5) and now bitbake is complaining that nothing
> rprovides python3-signal.
> ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'python3-signal' (but
> /home/worker/building/sources/meta-bluetooth/recipes-bluetooth/bluetooth-app/bluetooth-app.bb
> RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
> After some searching I found that this is related to the restructuring
> of python3 packaging in Sumo
> (http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/commit/?id=b6777878ff03c3e956386020a19d11c875c835ae)
> So according to the instructions in the above commit, I'm supposed to
> first create a manifest file using:
> $ bitbake python -c create_manifest
> and then the json file appears to get created:
> build/tmp/work/armv7ahf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/python3/3.5.5-r1.0/python3-manifest.json
> After a quick inspection of the created python3-manifest.json, I see
> that signal.py already appears on the list.
>     "core": {
>         "cached": [
>             ...
>             "${libdir}/python3.5/__pycache__/signal.*.pyc",
>             ...
>         ],
>         "files": [
>              ...
>             "${libdir}/python3.5/signal.py",
>              ...
>         ],
>         "rdepends": [],
>         "summary": "Python interpreter and core modules"
>     },
> Assuming that nothing else needs to be done, I then proceed to again
> bitbake my application but unfortunately the original error persists.
> What am I missing?
> Thank you,
> Davis Roman
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