I see that my custom layers are not being copied in
<image-workdir>/sdk-ext/image/opt/${DISTRO}/${POKY_VERSION}/layers. Though
the conf files at

How can I include my layers also in this?

Warm Regards,
Priyanshu Sharma

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 3:12 PM Priyanshu Sharma <
ms.priyanshu.sha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've a custom Yocto layer and use that as TEMPLATECONF for building. My
> custom layer also contains the image recipe based on pulsar-image (from
> meta-ivi).
> I'm using Yocto 2.5. The extensible sdk build fails at do_populate_sdk_ext
> task for my image recipe.
> $ bitbake <image> -f -c populate_sdk_ext
> Error -
> Exception: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '<path-in-build-direcroty>/<image>/<PV>/sdk-ext/image//opt/<distro>/2.5.1/conf/local.conf.bak'
> ->
> '<path-in-biuld-directory>/<image>/<PV>/sdk-ext/image//opt/<distro>/2.5.1/conf/local.conf'
> If I check the path, <>/sdk-ext/image//opt/<distro>/2.5.1 , this directory
> is getting created but getting deleted afterwards.
> And  the one left after build fails is -
> <>/sdk-ext/image//opt/<distro>/layers
> Is there any configuration to be modified/added for my custom image?
> Warm regards,
> Priyanshu Sharma
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