Hi Ross,
thanks for the hints, funnily enough it was .so symlinks that where in
-dev and caused the dev-deps...
On 5/13/19 7:55 PM, Burton, Ross wrote:
On Mon, 13 May 2019 at 09:54, Matthias Schoepfer
<matthias.schoep...@googlemail.com> wrote:
I am trying to write a recipe for a rather tricky component (that has
plugins and stuff). Anyhow, I cannot get bitbake not to complain that
<PACKAGENAME> rdepends on <PACKAGENAME>-dev. And if I INSANE_SKIP it,
the -dev package will get installed. But I cannot figure out which file
is responsible. I tried to ldd all installed files in <PACKAGENAME>, but
could not get any results. Any hints on how to debug this further?!
The problem is probably that the plugins are being shipped as
/usr/lib/libpluginfoo.so, and so have the same names as development
library symlinks which get packaged into PN-dev automatically.
Alternatively unversioned libraries will also have the same issue.
Look at what files go into what package (using oe-pkgdata-util), and
ensure that PN-dev only contains headers and the link-time symlinks.
For example libfoo.so -> libfoo.so.1, libfoo.so should be in PN-dev
and libfoo.so.1 should be in PN.
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