> On May 7, 2019, at 2:47 AM, Bas Mevissen <ab...@basmevissen.nl> wrote:
> On 2019-05-07 07:20, Behan Webster wrote:
>> > On May 6, 2019, at 8:36 AM, Bas Mevissen <b...@emcodev.nl> wrote:
>> > On 5/6/19 12:45 PM, Josef Holzmayr wrote:
>> > I'd actually word it a little bit differently:
>> > If there is only *ONE* attendee who did not properly do the homework, it
>> > will have a massive impact an the rest of the group. And that somebody
>> > will show up unpreparedly is absolutely certain in my opinion.
>> > With sufficient trainers, one can continue for most and provide some
>> > assistance to the one falling behind.
>> Usually more than one. And this is generally very disruptive to the class as
>> a whole.
>> >> As someone who actually got started through the YPDD beginner track (and
>> >> also often recommends it to new beginners), my opinion is clearly that
>> >> we either should have it, be it only for a handful of attendees, or
>> >> offer a *real* replacement, with face to face training. My experience is
>> >> that this personal thing in the very beginning is an absolutely
>> >> essential part of many YP/OE careers.
>> >
>> > I agree. That is how I started, next to a compressed Linux Foundation
>> > Yocto training that was offered just before the event then.
>> Yes. By me and my colleagues who train for the Linux Foundation.
>> > So it might be wise to ask LF or get something organised. It would mostly
>> > require a room and a sponsor for some small devkit.
>> We've run the beginner track for the last few years. The discussion is
>> precisely that the YP event is proposing to not run the beginner track this
>> year at all.
> But why? There appears to be a constant demand.
An excellent question. I agree with you. I don’t have an answer however. Not my
>> We're happy to do it again if given the space.
> Yes, both for LF and YP it are off-the-shelf trainings that do not require
> much preperation.
Speaking as a course maintainer for LF, keeping the YP course updated is
actually a tremendous amount of work (I’m the co-maintainer for the LF YP
However, the beginner slides tend not to need more than a few hours of updates
every 6 months (which again is something I do).
Either may appear off-the-shelf, but they aren’t from my perspective. ;)
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