Hi Armin,

From: akuster808 <akuster...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 26 April, 2019 10:30 PM
To: Jain, Sangeeta <sangeeta.j...@intel.com>; 'yocto@yoctoproject.org' 
<yocto@yoctoproject.org>; Eggleton, Paul <paul.eggle...@intel.com>; 
'richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org' <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>; 
'Michael Halstead' <mhalst...@linuxfoundation.org>; Erway, Tracey M 
<tracey.m.er...@intel.com>; 'sjolley.yp...@gmail.com' 
<sjolley.yp...@gmail.com>; openembedded-c...@lists.openembedded.org
Subject: Re: [OE-core] QA cycle report for 2.7 RC2


On 4/25/19 11:27 PM, Jain, Sangeeta wrote:

QA cycle report for 2.7 RC2:

  1.  No high milestone defects.
  2.  Test results are available at following location:
*        For results of all automated tests, please refer to results at public 
AB [1].
*        For other test results, refer to attachment [2].
*        For test report for test cases run by Intel and WR team, refer 
attachment [3]
Since "compliance-test.compliance-test.LSB_subset_test_suite" was run, can you 
share the changes made to /opt/lsb-test/session file?

For "compliance-test.compliance-test.LSB_subset_test_suite", we follow the 
procedure as mentioned at https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/BSP_Test_Plan
Under compliance section.  Changes to /opt/lsb-test/session file are also 
handled by script "compliance_test.py" (link to which you can find in wiki page 

Can I get clarification on how 
"compliance-test.compliance-test.stress_test_-_ltp_-Beaglebone" was run?

To run stress test, we use "./runltp -f crashme" command.
Stress test for Beaglebone is run by Windriver team. Adding Yi Zhao in mail.


*        For full test report, refer attachment [4]

  1.  No new defects are found in this cycle.
  2.  No existing issues observed in this release
  3.  No ptests are failing in this release which were passing in previous 
release. No timeout issues.

QA Hint: One failure was observed on public AB:

testseries | result_id : qemuppc | oeselftest_centos-7_qemuppc_20190414221329

No bug filed for this issue, as it appears to be an intermittent failure and 
worked on rc1 test run.

======= Links ========

Link to testresults:

[1] - https://autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/releases/yocto-2.7.rc2/testresults/

[2] - 2.7_RC2_results_merged.zip

[3] - 2.7_ rc2_intel_wr_merged_report

[4] - 2.7 _rc2_full_report

Thanks & Regards,
Sangeeta Jain

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