Hi Nick,

The Galileo board has 8 MiB of NOR flash connected via SPI. That is not
enough for any meaningful embedded Linux image created by Yocto Project.
Even if you were to build an image less than 8 MiB, it still wouldn't
help because the Galileo needs that memory for the UEFI boot loader.

There is a very good write up of the way the Quark chip boots here:

"Anatomy of the UEFI Boot Sequence on the Intel Galileo"

And there is a guide on how to write a new UEFI loader to the SPI flash
"Programming SPI Flash with UEFI Internal Shell for IntelĀ® Galileo Boards"


On 30/03/2019 22:33, nick wrote:
> Greetings All,
> What is the best way to put a image on the 8mb of Yocto onboard flash or is
> this not possible with the Yocto Project.
> Nick

Chris Simmonds, trainer and consultant at 2net
Author of "Mastering Embedded Linux Programming"
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