El mar, 26-03-2019 a las 09:14 +0100, Patrick Boettcher escribió:
> On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 09:05:47 +0100
> jairo <ja...@futurasmus-knxlab.es> wrote:
> > Thanks Patrick:
> > 
> > 
> > The idea is that when an update is going to be done, the system
> > will
> > restart in the rescue partition so that it updates the main
> > partition
> > and when it is updated it will restart the main partition again.
> This is a good idea when you want to keep a maximum of rootfs-space
> for
> one system and can be done with RAUC, bootchooser and barebox.
> However, there is a risk of when a system update (from the
> rescue-partition) installs a non-working image. Then you will stuck
> on
> your rescue system without a possibility to get back a working
> system.
> This is why "usually" there is system0 and a system1 which are
> switching over after an update and the system marks itself OK if it
> is
> - otherwise it is switching back to the previous system.

Yes, I know, it is somewhat risky, but I have only 512MB of nand
memory, and we are getting a lot of software. I think we have to
evaluate the move to a hardware with more memory, at the moment is what
we have. I think it is practically impossible to put 2 systems in so
little memory.

> Also check the latest phytec recipes in their distro, they integrated
> RAUC and barebox-state (in eeprom) and bootchooser. Though this is
> not
> yet releases for IMX6 - afaik.

Sure, they are going to release a new version this Friday. I'll have to
take a good look. :D


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