On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 11:37 AM Belisko Marek <marek.beli...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I plan to use readonly rootfs option and store some custom data in
> separate partition (like hostname, wpa_supplicant.conf etc). I have wic
> file which create rootfs + then rest is for data storage. I can adjust
> various recipes to symlink to /data partition. My question is if there
> exists some mechanism how to store some pieces in non-rootfs partition? I
> know some projects which put those extra files to deploy dir and then by dd
> create dummy storage nd put files there and finally create partition from
> that. Thanks a log for any pointers.

You could potentially use overlayfs to have a RO rootfs and a separate RW
layer in another partition for example. I think linux-yocto also support

Good luck,

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