Presumably the problem here is that you've a maintainer script
(preinst or postinst) in B that needs a binary/library from A, and is
failing because B's postinst is running before A is unpacked?  If not,
please clarify, otherwise the problem is that DEPENDS just talks about
the final solution.  If you want to express that A needs to be
installed and configured before B is configured then you'll need to
use Pre-Depends, which I don't believe are actually supported in the
packaging classes yet.  I know that dpkg and opkg support this, and
presumably rpm too, so extending the packaging classes is a few
minutes work.


On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 at 06:51, Darcy Watkins <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone knowledgeable with the inner workings of the build system
> please confirm...
> IF package B has RDEPENDS on package A
> THEN during do_rootfs task, package A will always be installed into
> rootfs first AND the post-inst scripts of package A will always be run
> prior to those for package B.
> Also, if that can be confirmed for 'daisy' branch, that would really be
> helpful.  If not, then please mention as far back the branch that you
> know for sure.  Thanks!
> --
> Regards,
> Darcy
> Darcy Watkins ::  Senior Staff Engineer, Firmware
> Direct  +1 604 233 7989   ::  Fax  +1 604 231 1109  ::  Main  +
> 1 604 231 1100
> 13811 Wireless Way  :: Richmond, BC Canada V6V 3A4
> [P1]
> ::
> --
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