Hello All,

This is the full report for 2.6.1 RC1:


======= Summary ========

All planned tests were executed.

Total Test Executed - 3650

Passed Test - 3422

Failed Test - 210

Blocked Test - 12

There were zero high milestone defect.  Team had found 1 new defects coming 
from missing package 'gpg' [1].

For ptest, team had confirmed that there were no tests which passed in 2.6 M4 
while failed in current 2.6.1 rc1. Issues in qa-tools/ptest-parser script used 
to generate comparison table is fixed and script is now working fine.

======= QA-Hints========

No high milestone defect.
One of the SDK test cases "/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/sdk/cases/python.py", while 
executed, is giving a result "unknown". We are not sure about the reason of 
this behavior and investigating more into it. This test case is a part of seven 
ADT test plans.

======= Bugs ========

New Bugs

[1] Bug 13143 - [Bug] [2.6.1 rc1] bitbake core-image-minimal failed because no 
module named 'gpg' on CentOS 7 and OpenSuse 42.3


Previous Bugs observed in this release:

[2] Bug 13102 - [Bug][QA 2.7 M1 rc1][Toaster] All layers are not getting 
populated after clicking "View compatible layers" on project page


[3] Bug 13103 - [Bug][QA 2.7 M1 rc1][Toaster] "Recipes" table  and  "machines" 
table are not getting populated after clicking on imported layer as well as 
after clicking Machines Tab on project page


[4] Bug 13104 - [Bug][QA 2.7 M1 rc1][Toaster] All "Image Recipes" are not 
getting populated after clicking  "Image Recipes"  on project page


[5] Bug 12991<https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12991> - [Bug] 
[2.6 M4 RC1][Build-Appliance] Bitbake build-appliance-image getting failed 
during building image due to webkitgtk package.


[6] Bug 12499<https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12991> - [Bug] 
[2.5 M1 RC3] qemuarm: failed to shutdown.


Thanks & Regards,
Sangeeta Jain

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