So if KNOWN_TASKS is defined in a configuration file in oe-core, it would be OK?
It needs to be extended to check for KNOWN_TASKS == None of course.

Best Regards,
Ulf Samuelsson
+46 722 427 437

> 18 jan. 2019 kl. 00:17 skrev Burton, Ross <>:
> On Thu, 17 Jan 2019 at 22:50, Ulf Samuelsson <> wrote:
>>> We really can't hardcode a list of tasks like this in bitbake :(
>>> The list is also incorrect (at a quick look its packagedata and
>>> populate_sysroot is missing).
>> I would say it may be incomplete, but it is only wrong, if they are in the 
>> wrong order.
> Richard's point was that those task names are oe-core specific.
> Bitbake doesn't know or care about the specific names.
> Ross

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