Den 2019-01-15 kl. 14:38, skrev Richard Purdie:
On Sun, 2019-01-13 at 22:53 +0100, Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
I am trying to add a new image class "SWU" in "sumo" for a "software
update image".
As a result:
do_sdk_depends[depends] = '${@get_ext_sdk_depends(d)} meta-extsdk-
When works on this, it will call
DataSmart.expandWithRefs(self, s, varname)
s = '${@get_ext_sdk_depends(d)} meta-extsdk-
varname = 'do_sdk_depends[depends]'
I will get an exception in this statement:
while s.find('${') != -1:
olds = s
s = __expand_var_regexp__.sub(varparse.var_sub, s)
The definition of __expand_var_regexp__ is:
__expand_var_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${[^{}@\n\t :]+}")
That is, it is looking for the string "${<X>}"
but <X> may not contains anything in [{}@\n\t :]
since the "variable" in "s" is actually a call to
and thus contains a '@' character it is not matched.
The build aborts with an exception.
I am not sure, if '${@get_ext_sdk_depends(d)}' should be expanded
DataSmart,expandWithRefs, or if expandWithRefs needs to be extended
to handle the case where the variable is a "call".
This is blocking us from upgrading from pyro to sumo.
Any ideas on a solution?
Can you firstly say what the error is you're seeing. Your attempt to
understand it is good but I'm not sure which error you see?
Secondly, is there a way someone else could reproduce this bug?
The fragment you quote looks correct. If you have variable and function
names conflicting that would be a problem though as they're all in the
same namespace. I'm unclear whether that is a problem here or not
though based on the available information.
I found the problem.
The "image_swu.bbclass" in the customer contained a statement:
"addtask do_packageswu after do_image_complete before do_image_qa"
The dependencies of the image recipe is:
do_prepare_recipe_sysroot: do_fetch
do_unpack: do_fetch
do_patch: do_unpack
do_populate_lic: do_patch
do_configure: do_patch
do_compile: do_configure
do_install: do_compile
do_package: do_install
do_package_data: do_package
do_rootfs: do_package_data \
do_prepare_recipe_sysroot \
1 do_image_qa: do_rootfs
do_image: do_image_qa do_rootfs
do_image_tar: do_image
2 do_image_complete: do_image_tar do_image
do_build do_image_complete \
do_package_data \
The addtask statement want something which is after (2) but before (1)
and bitbake responds by creating a circular dependency.
When I changed this to:
"addtask do_packageswu after do_image_ubifs before do_image_complete"
the build works.
(the swu image will work on a previously created file system, which
happens to be ubifs in this case)
I think a simple good improvement would be to have an addtask
check if this would create a circular dependency.
KNOWN_TASKS = [ 'do_fetch', 'do_unpack', ... , 'do_build' ]
# Some tasks which has a fuzzy order like do_prepare_recipe_sysroot
# may have to be omitted.
TASK_ORDER['do_fetch'] = 1
TASK_ORDER['do_build'] = <n>
def circular(before, after)
if not before in KNOWN_TASKS
return false
if not after in KNOWN_TASKS:
return false
before_prio = TASK_ORDER[before]
after_prio = TASK_ORDER[after]
return after_prio > before_prio
This would at least catch the more common tasks, and would be quick,
since the particular recipe would not have to be parsed.
Where could such code be added (not used to hacking bitbake)?
A better implementation would of course analyze the specific recipe
before accepting the addtask statement.
Best Regards
Ulf Samuelsson
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