This mail was sent out by Recipe reporting system.

This message list those recipes which need to be upgraded. If maintainers
believe some of them needn't to upgrade at this time, they can fill
RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON in respective recipe file to ignore this remainder
until newer upstream version was detected.

RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON = "Version 2.0 is unstable"

You can check the detail information at:

Package               Version          Upstream version      Maintainer         
--------------------  ---------------  --------------------  
-------------------  ------------------------------
libgloss              3.0.0          Alejandro Hernandez
newlib                3.0.0          Alejandro Hernandez
libmodulemd           1.7.0            2.0.0                 Alexander Kanavin
pcmanfm               1.3.0            1.3.1                 Alexander Kanavin
webkitgtk             2.22.4           2.22.5                Alexander Kanavin
boost                 1.68.0           1.69.0                Alexander Kanavin
libfm-extra           1.3.1                 Alexander Kanavin
libfm                 1.3.1                 Alexander Kanavin
nativesdk-meson       0.47.2           0.49.0                Alexander Kanavin
ffmpeg                4.0.2            4.1                   Alexander Kanavin
libcomps              0.1.8+gitX       0.1.9                 Alexander Kanavin
librepo               1.9.2            1.9.3                 Alexander Kanavin
meson                 0.47.2           0.49.0                Alexander Kanavin
dnf                   4.0.9            4.0.10                Alexander Kanavin
libdnf                0.22.3           0.24.1                Alexander Kanavin
lighttpd              1.4.51           1.4.52                Alexander Kanavin
gobject-introspec...  1.58.1           1.58.2                Alexander Kanavin
btrfs-tools           4.19             4.19.1                Alexander Kanavin
bjam-native           1.68.0           1.69.0                Alexander Kanavin
createrepo-c          0.11.1+gitX      0.12.0                Alexander Kanavin
busybox               1.29.2           1.29.3                Andrej Valek
apt                   1.2.24           1.4.8                 Aníbal Limón
apt-native            1.2.24           1.4.8                 Aníbal Limón
dpkg                  1.18.24          1.19.2                Aníbal Limón
puzzles               0.0+gitX         0.0-new-commits-a...  Anuj Mittal
libpcap               1.8.1            1.9.0                 Anuj Mittal
base-passwd           3.5.29           3.5.45                Anuj Mittal        
  Version 3.5.38 requires cde...
ifupdown              0.8.16           0.8.33                Anuj Mittal
glib-2.0              2.58.0           2.58.1                Anuj Mittal
glib-networking       2.54.1           2.58.0                Anuj Mittal
pixman                0.34.0           0.36.0                Anuj Mittal
harfbuzz              2.1.3            2.2.0                 Anuj Mittal
gst-examples          0.0.1+gitX       0.0.1-new-commits...  Anuj Mittal
sqlite3               3.25.3           3.26.0                Anuj Mittal
vte                   0.52.2           0.54.3                Anuj Mittal
gsettings-desktop...  3.28.0           3.28.1                Anuj Mittal
libsolv               0.7.1            0.7.2                 Anuj Mittal
eudev                 3.2.5            3.2.7                 Anuj Mittal
atk                   2.28.1           2.30.0                Anuj Mittal
librsvg               2.40.20          2.44.10               Anuj Mittal        
  Versions from 2.41.0 requir...
cairo                 1.14.12          1.16.2                Anuj Mittal
i2c-tools             4.0              4.1                   Anuj Mittal
libatomic-ops         7.6.6+gitX       7.6.8                 Anuj Mittal
libpng                1.6.35           1.6.36                Anuj Mittal
at-spi2-atk           2.26.2           2.30.0                Anuj Mittal
mmc-utils             0.1              0.1-new-commits-a...  Anuj Mittal
libjpeg-turbo         2.0.0            2.0.1                 Anuj Mittal
mtools                4.0.19           4.0.23                Anuj Mittal
libassuan             2.5.1            2.5.2                 Armin Kuster
netbase               5.4              5.5                   Armin Kuster
openssh               7.9p1+git        7.9.                  Armin Kuster
curl                  7.62.0           7.63.0                Armin Kuster
gnutls                3.6.4            3.6.5                 Armin Kuster
nss                   3.40             3.41                  Armin Kuster
bind                  9.11.5           9.13.5                Armin Kuster       
  9.11 is LTS 2021
nettle                3.4              3.4.1                 Armin Kuster
linux-libc-headers    4.18             4.19.10               Bruce Ashfield
kern-tools-native     0.2+gitX         0.2-new-commits-a...  Bruce Ashfield
linux-yocto           4.18.14+gitX     4.19.8                Bruce Ashfield
linux-yocto-rt        4.18.14+gitX     4.19.8                Bruce Ashfield
linux-yocto-tiny      4.18.14+gitX     4.19.8                Bruce Ashfield
kmscube               git              git-new-commits-a...  Carlos Rafael Giani
wpa-supplicant        2.6              2.7                   Changhyeok Bae
iptables              1.6.2            1.8.2                 Changhyeok Bae
dbus-test             1.12.10          1.12.12               Chen Qi
acl                   2.2.52           2.2.53                Chen Qi
attr                  2.4.47           2.4.48                Chen Qi
systemd-conf          1.0              239                   Chen Qi
dbus                  1.12.10          1.12.12               Chen Qi
cups                  2.2.9            2.2.10                Chen Qi
flex                  2.6.0            2.6.4                 Chen Qi
util-linux            2.32.1           2.33                  Chen Qi
bison                 3.0.4            3.2.2                 Chen Qi
sed                   4.2.2            4.5                   Chen Qi
sysstat               12.1.1           12.1.2                Chen Qi
lzop                  1.03             1.04                  Denys Dmytriyenko
lz4                   1.8.2            1.8.3                 Denys Dmytriyenko
hdparm                9.56             9.58                  Denys Dmytriyenko
wayland-protocols     1.16             1.17                  Denys Dmytriyenko
python3-pygobject     3.28.3           3.30.4                Derek Straka
python3               3.5.6            3.7.1                 Derek Straka
python3-pbr           4.2.0            5.1.1                 Derek Straka
python3-setuptools    40.0.0           40.6.3                Derek Straka
python3-pip           18.0             18.1                  Derek Straka
python-numpy          1.14.5           1.15.4                Derek Straka
python3-numpy         1.14.5           1.15.4                Derek Straka
python-setuptools     40.0.0           40.6.3                Derek Straka
python3-six           1.11.0           1.12.0                Derek Straka
python3-gitdb         2.0.4            2.0.5                 Derek Straka
python3-pycairo       1.15.6           1.18.0                Derek Straka
python3-native        3.5.6            3.7.1                 Derek Straka
acpica                20180508         20181213              Fathi Boudra
libgpg-error          1.32             1.33                  Hongxu Jia
gnupg                 2.2.11           2.2.12                Hongxu Jia
help2man-native       1.47.6           1.47.8                Hongxu Jia
libxcrypt             4.1.1            4.4.1                 Khem Raj
go-runtime            1.11.1           1.11.4                Khem Raj
go                    1.11.1           1.11.4                Khem Raj
binutils              2.31             2.31.1                Khem Raj
go-native             1.11.1           1.11.4                Khem Raj
prelink               1.0+gitX         1.0-new-commits-a...  Mark Hatle
db                    5.3.28           5.3.28+dfsg1          Mark Hatle
binutils-cross-ca...  2.31             2.31.1                No maintainer
binutils-cross-i586   2.31             2.31.1                No maintainer
go-cross-canadian...  1.11.1           1.11.4                No maintainer
go-crosssdk-x86_6...  1.11.1           1.11.4                No maintainer
binutils-crosssdk...  2.31             2.31.1                No maintainer
go-cross-i586         1.11.1           1.11.4                No maintainer
mesa                  18.1.9           18.3.1                Otavio Salvador
linux-firmware        0.0+gitX         0.0-new-commits-a...  Otavio Salvador
mesa-gl               18.1.9           18.3.1                Otavio Salvador
cmake                 3.12.2           3.13.2                Pascal Bach
cmake-native          3.12.2           3.13.2                Pascal Bach
build-compare         2015.02.10+gitX  2015.02.10-new-co...  Paul Eggleton
build-appliance-i...  15.0.0           20.0.0                Richard Purdie
gnu-config            20180713+gitX    20180713-new-comm...  Robert Yang
squashfs-tools        4.3+gitrX        4.3-new-commits-a...  Robert Yang
e2fsprogs             1.44.3           1.44.5                Robert Yang
ccache                3.4.2            3.5                   Robert Yang
git                   2.18.1           2.20.1                Robert Yang
mklibs-native         0.1.43           0.1.44                Robert Yang
piglit                1.0+gitrX        1.0-new-commits-a...  Ross Burton
acpid                 2.0.30           2.0.31                Ross Burton
libinput              1.12.3           1.12.4                Ross Burton
vulkan-demos          git              git-new-commits-a...  Ross Burton
perl                  5.24.4           5.28.1                Ross Burton
gtk-icon-utils-na...  3.22.30          3.24.2                Ross Burton
ofono                 1.25             1.26                  Ross Burton
libical               2.0.0            3.0.4                 Ross Burton
vulkan                    Ross Burton
lsbinitscripts        9.79             10.01                 Ross Burton
sysvinit              2.88dsf          2.93                  Ross Burton
adwaita-icon-theme    3.28.0           3.30.1                Ross Burton
fontconfig            2.12.6           2.13.1                Ross Burton
gdk-pixbuf            2.36.11          2.38.0                Ross Burton
gtk+3                 3.24.1           3.24.2                Ross Burton
pkgconf               1.5.3            1.5.4                 Ross Burton
perl-native           5.24.4           5.28.1                Ross Burton
alsa-tools            1.1.6            1.1.7                 Tanu Kaskinen
alsa-plugins          1.1.6            1.1.7                 Tanu Kaskinen
alsa-utils-scripts    1.1.6            1.1.7                 Tanu Kaskinen
alsa-lib              1.1.6            1.1.7                 Tanu Kaskinen
alsa-utils            1.1.6            1.1.7                 Tanu Kaskinen
gnu-efi               3.0.8            3.0.9                 Yi Zhao
libcap                2.25             2.26                  Yi Zhao
chkconfig             1.3.58           1.8                   Yi Zhao            
  Version 1.5 requires selinux
logrotate             3.14.0           3.15.0                Yi Zhao
file                  5.34             5.35                  Yi Zhao
wget                  1.19.5           1.20                  Yi Zhao
json-glib             1.4.2            1.4.4                 Yi Zhao
libsdl2               2.0.8            2.0.9                 Yi Zhao

Upgradable count: 147
Upgradable total count: 151

The based commit is:

commit caa776bdcf8ea34c857f45970370bf771075f4bc
Author: Kai Kang <>
Date:   Tue Dec 25 04:39:43 2018 -0500

    testimage.bbclass: remove boot parameter systemd.log_target
    Boot parameter systemd.log_target=console affects command journalctl's
    output and causes oe selftest case test_systemd_boot_time fail to pass.
    | Error at obtaining the boot time from journalctl
    | RESULTS:
    | RESULTS - systemd.SystemdJournalTests.test_systemd_boot_time - Testcase 
-1: SKIPPED (0.74s)
    systemd.log_target=console was introduced by oe-core commit a0bb649 and
    work with parameter systemd.log_level to enable systemd debug.
    systemd.log_level has been removed already, so remove systemd.log_target
    too to make case test_systemd_boot_time pass.
    Signed-off-by: Kai Kang <>
    Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>

Any problem, please contact Jose Lamego <> 

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