On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 7:13 PM Donal Morrissey
<donal.morris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi There,
> I have a problem with an image being created by wic. If I add more than 4 
> partition definitions to the wks file, the generated image will include an 
> additional partition with no Fstype, and spanning the full length of the 
> additional partitions.
> Take the following wks file:
> part --source rawcopy --sourceparams="file=<long path>/image-r0/uboot.env" 
> --ondisk "mmcblk0" --align 4096 --no-table
> part --source bootimg-partition --ondisk "mmcblk0" --fstype=vfat --label boot 
> --align 4096 --active --fixed-size 40
> part --source rootfs --ondisk "mmcblk0" --fstype=ext4 --label primary --align 
> 4096 --fixed-size 147456k --exclude-path data/
> part --source rootfs --ondisk "mmcblk0" --fstype=ext4 --label secondary 
> --align 4096 --fixed-size 147456k --exclude-path data/
> part --ondisk "mmcblk0" --fstype=ext4 --label appdata1 --align 4096 
> --fixed-size 147456k
> part --ondisk "mmcblk0" --fstype=ext4 --label appdata2 --align 4096 
> --fixed-size 147456k
> bootloader --ptable msdos
> wic will create a .direct file with the following structure:
> Num     Start        End          Size      Fstype
>  1      12582912     54525951     41943040  fat16
>  2      54525952    205520895    150994944  ext4
>  3     205520896    356515839    150994944  ext4
>  4     360709632    666894335    306184704
>  5     360710144    511705087    150994944  ext4
>  6     515899392    666894335    150994944  ext4
> Note the start and end addresses of partition 4, it spans from the start of 
> partitions 5 (appdata1)  to the end of partition 6 (appdata2).
> If I modify the wks file and remove the entry for appdata2, the created 
> direct file is valid:
> Num     Start        End          Size      Fstype
>  1      12582912     54525951     41943040  fat16
>  2      54525952    205520895    150994944  ext4
>  3     205520896    356515839    150994944  ext4
>  4     356515840    507510783    150994944  ext4
> Any suggestions on what is going on here?

I've not checked, but I'd assume it's switched to extended partitions,
since MBR only has 4 primary partitions.

Alex Kiernan
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