
The platform is running on a i7 CPU and is using UEFI to load the kernel. The 
image that we are currently building is loading

out of a USB stick wish was working until I switched the rootfs type to 

Systemd-boot is as the boot loader.

So far what I noticed is the boot.conf use the options LABEL=boot but the 
kernel is unable to read a LABEL from the squashfs.

On the other hand I tried to adding "root=/dev/sdb2 rootfstype=squashfs" to the 
boot.conf using a systemd-bootconf_%.bbappend

Using the define ROOT, APPEND_append gave me no result, I always end up with 
options LABEL=boot  rootwait console=tty0

I also tried  overridding build_efi_cfg() from 
meta/classes/systemd-boot-cfg.bbclass from my systemd-bootconf_%.bbappend and 
copy my files, but it always

get over-written some how.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated on how to modify the boot.conf file to 
allow loading a squashfs.


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