
On 11/1/18 7:04 AM, Trevor Woerner wrote:
> Hello Fellow YP/OE Enthusiasts!
> There were discussions at our recent OEDEM regarding:
> - our next developers meeting
> - SCaLE 2019
> - expanding/adding to the YP/OE presence at conferences (i.e. our own
>   miniconf?)
> Please see time indices: 12:13 and 16:45

Could you please give us a day's notice the next time so we can properly
set the perms for our minutes.

- armin

> Unfortunately, although lots of opinions were expressed, nothing concrete was
> decided. Many people pointed out that their travel budgets are already
> strained or maxed out, so adding another conference would be difficult if not
> impossible. It's unclear how many "core" YP/OE people might show up at next
> year's SCaLE. Also, given that this year's ELC scheduling hiccup is a one-off,
> maybe it doesn't make as much sense to put in all the work required to run an
> OEDAM at SCaLE if it's only ever going to happen once. Therefore I think I can
> safely say the organizing committee for YP/OE Things at SCaLE 2019 is leaning
> towards not running an OEDAM.
> It's not too late to change our plans. If a large number of core people reply
> to this email saying they want and OEDAM in March and will be available in
> Pasadena, then we could accommodate it. It's just that we didn't leave
> Edinburgh with the feeling that an OEDAM at SCaLE was feasible. Also, at this
> point SCaLE isn't on the radars of many of the core YP/OE people, and
> currently the conference tends to attract users rather than developers (or so
> is my impression).
> Thoughts?
> Best regards,
>       Trevor
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