Hi all,

it seems that the libxcrypt recipe in poky is failing because the git repo
doesn't have a master branch anymore. The default branch has changed
to `develop` and the recipe can't fetch the repo when I'm building the SDK
for my image.

A temporary solution is to override the URL with a bbappend, but in general
this has broken the recipe. This is the error that I'm getting.

WARNING: nativesdk-libxcrypt-4.0.1-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL git://
github.com/besser82/libxcrypt.git;branch=master, attempting MIRRORS if
ERROR: nativesdk-libxcrypt-4.0.1-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Unable to
find revision 089479bb24acd168613757a6f12d63caa95416b4 in branch master
even from upstream
ERROR: nativesdk-libxcrypt-4.0.1-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure for URL:
'git://github.com/besser82/libxcrypt.git;branch=master'. Unable to fetch
URL from any source.
ERROR: nativesdk-libxcrypt-4.0.1-r0 do_fetch: Function failed: base_do_fetch
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
failed with exit code '1'

P.S another good reason to enable the own mirrors early in the development
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