
I have been struggling with a problem where I need to create a package in a
recipe and set already-stripped for that package. The package in question
is not the the default one so I am trying to set it by using
INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += " \
dev-so \
already-stripped \

But the result is like it ignore is it. The only way to get it to work is
if I include the file in the default package and set already-stripped to
INSANE_SKIP_${PN}. When looking at the code at package.bbclass this seems
to be correct

if 'already-stripped' in (d.getVar('INSANE_SKIP_' + pn) or "").split():

Is this really the way it should work. I mean dev-so can be set per package
in a recipe but is it not supported to set already-stripped per package? I
am running rocko but could not set that this have be updated in sumo. The
documentation doesn't describe this limitation either.

Måns Zigher
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