Hello, I'm trying to build my c# application for mono with yocto, by using nuget and msbuild.
I encountered several problems: MsBuild: * During the build of msbuild the cibuild.sh script is invoked. This script uses the tool 'curl' to download the msbuild.zip form Microsoft. This action failes with a certificate error because there are no certificates present. I fixed this issue with a bbappend script for msbuild which contains: DEPENDS += "ca-certificates" Nuget: * When trying to restore the packages for my c# application, the execution of Nuget fails because it has no certificates. * Apparently NuGet is using the mono certificate store, because it fails to detect the certificates present in: /recipe-sysroot-native/etc/ssl/certs * I also verified that the mono certificate store is empty by issuing the command: certmgr -list -c Trust I tried to extend the recipe that builds my c# application with a do_configure task, in which I'm trying to synchronize the mono certificate store with the ca-certifates.crt. cert-sync ${sysconfdir}/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt But the cert-sync tool somehow wants to use a path outside my build environment /usr/share/.mono, which fails with an access denied error. Can anybody help me to get past this problem? Kind Regards, Alberto Spin Branch: Rocko Mono Nuget 4.1 Msbuild 15.4
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