I added some features so my local.conf looks like this:

IMAGE_FEATURES = "tools-debug debug-tweaks"

here are my logs:

# $IMAGE_FEATURES [4 operations]
#   set 
#     "tools-debug debug-tweaks"
#   set? 
#     ""
#   set /home/nader/poky-docker/workdir/poky/meta/conf/documentation.conf:210
#     [doc] "The primary list of features to include in an image. Configure 
this variable in an image recipe."
#   append /home/nader/poky-docker/workdir/poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf:806
# pre-expansion value:
#   "tools-debug debug-tweaks ${EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES}"
IMAGE_FEATURES="tools-debug debug-tweaks ptest-pkgs"

Now the suspicious space disappears, however there are no -ptest packages 
installed in my image.

De : Alexander Kanavin <alex.kana...@gmail.com>
Envoyé : mardi 21 août 2018 11:30
À : Nader Hariri
Cc : yocto@yoctoproject.org
Objet : Re: [yocto] ptest-runner "No ptests found."

This looks like we *might* have a bug in here. Extra whitespace like
this should not have such broken effects. Can you add some unrelated
feature to IMAGE_FEATURES, so that we get a list without leading and
trailing whitespaces?


2018-08-21 9:54 GMT+02:00 Nader Hariri <nader.har...@hotmail.com>:
> ok, so I changed my local.conf from IMAGE_FEATURES_append = " ptest-pkgs" to
> EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "ptest-pkgs", here are the logs:
> # $IMAGE_FEATURES [3 operations]
> #   set?
> /home/nader/poky-docker/workdir/poky/meta/conf/distro/include/default-distrovars.inc:23
> #     ""
> #   set
> /home/nader/poky-docker/workdir/poky/meta/conf/documentation.conf:210
> #     [doc] "The primary list of features to include in an image. Configure
> this variable in an image recipe."
> #   append /home/nader/poky-docker/workdir/poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf:806
> # pre-expansion value:
> IMAGE_FEATURES=" ptest-pkgs"
> As we can see, I still have the suspicious space but it has shrunk from 2
> spaces to 1 space. And -ptest packages didn't get installed in my image.
> Nader
> ________________________________
> De : Alexander Kanavin <alex.kana...@gmail.com>
> Envoyé : lundi 20 août 2018 16:54
> À : Nader Hariri
> Cc : yocto@yoctoproject.org
> Objet : Re: [yocto] ptest-runner "No ptests found."
> 2018-08-20 15:36 GMT+02:00 Nader Hariri <nader.har...@hotmail.com>:
>> I ran 'bitbake -e <image>' as you have suggested. I can see from the logs
>> that the variable IMAGE_FEATURES does get appended the value of
>> ${EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES}, however I still have no -ptest packages in my
>> image. Is there anything wrong in my logs?
>> # $IMAGE_FEATURES [3 operations]
>> #   set?
>> /home/nader/poky-docker/workdir/poky/meta/conf/distro/include/default-distrovars.inc:23
>> #     ""
>> #   set
>> /home/nader/poky-docker/workdir/poky/meta/conf/documentation.conf:210
>> #     [doc] "The primary list of features to include in an image.
>> Configure
>> this variable in an image recipe."
>> #   append /home/nader/poky-docker/workdir/poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf:806
>> # pre-expansion value:
>> IMAGE_FEATURES="  ptest-pkgs"
> The space looks suspicious in there. Can you try to set
> EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES directly with = instead of appending to it?
> Alex
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