Hello All,

This is the full report for 2.6 M2 RC1:


======= Summary ========

All planned tests were executed except a few SDK automated tests were skipped 
in Autobuilder (testrun# 9830-9836, 9796-9797).  Team found that these SDK 
automated tests were running successfully in core-image-sato-sdk image but not 
the existing core-image-sato used by Autobuilder, investigating why these 
automated tests were skipped in core-image-sato and no message available in 
testsdk logfile to explain why it was skipped.  Team also found that eSDK 
devtool automated testcase(s) were skipped unexpectedly due to the unknown 
error on testcase dependency logic, temporary removing the dependency logic and 
successfully executed the devtool tests.

There were zero high milestone defect.  Team had found 3 new defects,  where 
buildhistorydifftest and wic test_fix_size failure [9] [10] and ptest for 
libxml failed in current release but passed in previous 2.6 M1 rc1.

======= QA-Hints========

No high milestone defect.

======= Bugs ========

New Bugs

[1] Bug 12866 - [2.6 M2 rc1] wic test_fix_size failed


[2] Bug 12864 - [2.6 M2 rc1] buildhistorydifftest failed


[3] Bug 12869 - [2.6 M2 rc1] libxml test cases failed



Yeoh Ee Peng

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