We got about 60 stable builds with the archiver configured in source "original" and diff "1" mode as described in my last mail. So for us, this seems to solve the problem.
Anyhow I would still like to report the bug. Are there any other ways than using Bugzilla? Kind regards, Erik ________________________________ Von: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org <yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org> im Auftrag von Erik Nellessen <enelles...@phoenixcontact.com> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 2. August 2018 10:28 An: burton, ross Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org Betreff: Re: [yocto] Non-deterministic build error in package gcc-source Hi Ross, thanks for your response! I deactivated the archiver and started about 40 builds. The problem did not occur. We discussed the different archiver modes. For us, it is probably the best solution to run the archiver with the following configuration: ARCHIVER_MODE[src] ?= "original" ARCHIVER_MODE[diff] ?= "1" To get the original source files and the patches. I am running some builds right now to evaluate if this configuration runs without problems. In any case I would like to report a bug concerning the problems when running the archiver in patched mode. I tried to create a Bugzilla account, but it was not possible, because all of my tries were automatically cancelled. I wrote an email to mich...@yoctoproject.org and hope to get an account soon. Kind regards, Erik ________________________________ Von: Burton, Ross <ross.bur...@intel.com> Gesendet: Dienstag, 31. Juli 2018 22:18 An: Erik Nellessen Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org Betreff: Re: [yocto] Non-deterministic build error in package gcc-source Obvious short answer is do you actually need to use the archiver in patched mode? Changing to a different mode, or disabling the archiver entirely, may solve this. Long answer is this is most likely a race in the archiver, so filing a bug with as many details as you can would be good. Ross On 30 July 2018 at 08:48, Erik Nellessen <enelles...@phoenixcontact.com> wrote: > We are building an operating system based on poky > (f0ec7c8b2dc1797ba22c45653a5f182b63354092, bitbake: toaster: add 'Sumo' to > release selection). > > > Sometimes (about 1 in 10 times) our build fails, because the task > do_ar_patched fails for package gcc-source-7.3.0-7.3.0-r0. > > > The short error message: > > 14:44:09 Exception: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: > '/home/jenkins/workspace/_Config_mguard_0.1.0_MG-254-QLU3J23WOWLZZG76AVHU5BVY3M7SIU3EOQQQSUQNOEXHTXRFTQMQ_2/build/qemux86-64_tmp/work-shared/gcc-7.3.0-r0/gcc-7.3.0/gcc/gengtype-lex.c' > 14:44:09 > 14:44:09 ERROR: gcc-source-7.3.0-7.3.0-r0 do_ar_patched: Function failed: > do_ar_patched > 14:44:09 ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: > /home/jenkins/workspace/_Config_mguard_0.1.0_MG-254-QLU3J23WOWLZZG76AVHU5BVY3M7SIU3EOQQQSUQNOEXHTXRFTQMQ_2/build/qemux86-64_tmp/work-shared/gcc-7.3.0-r0/temp/log.do_ar_patched.43242 > 14:44:09 NOTE: recipe gcc-source-7.3.0-7.3.0-r0: task do_ar_patched: Failed > 14:44:09 ERROR: Task > (/home/jenkins/workspace/_Config_mguard_0.1.0_MG-254-QLU3J23WOWLZZG76AVHU5BVY3M7SIU3EOQQQSUQNOEXHTXRFTQMQ_2//mguard/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-source_7.3.bb:do_ar_patched) > failed with exit code '1' > > I attached the full error message as a text file. > > > Does anybody know this error message? Does anybody experience similar > problems with non-deterministic build failure? > > > Kind regards, > > Erik > > .................................................................. > Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG > > Sitz der Gesellschaft / registered office of the company: 32825 Blomberg > USt-Id-Nr.: DE124613250 > Pers. haftende Gesellschafterin / personally liable partner: Phoenix Contact > Verwaltungs GmbH > Amtsgericht Lemgo HRB 5273 / district court Lemgo HRB 5273 > Kom. Ges. Amtsgericht Lemgo HRA 3746 / limited commercial partnership > district court Lemgo HRA 3746 > Geschäftsführer / Executive Board: Frank Stührenberg (Vorsitzender / Chief > Executive Officer), Roland Bent, Prof. Dr. Gunther Olesch, Axel Wachholz > ___________________________________________________________________ > Diese E-Mail enthält vertrauliche und/oder rechtlich geschützte > Informationen. 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