Hi Bruce,

The full build is a Qt Boot2Qt build, so it includes some Qt stuff that isn't 
part of Yocto, but the kernel is just the linux-raspberrypi kernel. The one 
kernel that I'm getting in the build is 4.4.

Here is the reported build configuration:

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION        = "1.32.0"
BUILD_SYS         = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING   = "universal"
TARGET_SYS        = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE           = "raspberrypi3"
DISTRO            = "b2qt"
DISTRO_VERSION    = "2.2.4"
TUNE_FEATURES     = "arm armv7ve vfp thumb neon vfpv4 callconvention-hard 
TARGET_FPU        = "hard"
SDKMACHINE        = "x86_64"
meta-poky         = "HEAD:df76669bdd70aa0d903c4211dde731221c7e756d"
meta-raspberrypi  = "HEAD:2a192261a914892019f4f428d7462bb3c585ebac"
meta-multimedia   = "HEAD:b40116cf457b88a2db14b86fda9627fb34d56ae6"
meta-raspberrypi-extras = "<unknown>:<unknown>"
meta-mingw        = "HEAD:1c2e155111dce94423cc227ea69f7f50f316c78e"
meta-qt5          = "HEAD:49e9d9a73b5c6e3d6eab88dc0005305e85b1a62d"
meta-sakura       = "<unknown>:<unknown>"

I've attached both my .bbappend and my .scc & .cfg files. The .bbappend also 
references a patch for another driver, but that is working correctly.

Just to be complete the path to the .bbappend & files directory is:


     Yocto-mirror                                                     # Yocto 
build mirror


From: Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2018 9:53:03 PM
To: Greg Wilson-Lindberg; yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: Re: [yocto] Kernel configuration problems

On 7/27/2018 6:20 PM, Greg Wilson-Lindberg wrote:
> I'm trying to add a couple of drivers to the kernel in a Raspberry pi3
> build.
> I've got the passing of the config options working, but I'm getting
> warnings from the kernel build that the options are not being applied:
> WARNING: linux-raspberrypi-1_4.4.50+gitAUTOINC+04c8e47067-r0
> do_kernel_configcheck: [kernel config]: specified values did not make it
> into the kernel's final configuration:
> ---------- CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX9768 -----------------
> Config: CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX9768
> From:
> /home/gwilson/Qt/Qt-5.9.6/Yocto-build-RPi3/build-raspberrypi3/tmp/work-shared/raspberrypi3/kernel-source/.kernel-meta/configs/Scribe.cfg
> Requested value:  CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX9768=y
> Actual value:
> Config 'SND_SOC_MAX9768' has the following conditionals:
> Dependency values are:
> ---------- CONFIG_MAX1363 -----------------
> Config: CONFIG_MAX1363
> From:
> /home/gwilson/Qt/Qt-5.9.6/Yocto-build-RPi3/build-raspberrypi3/tmp/work-shared/raspberrypi3/kernel-source/.kernel-meta/configs/Scribe.cfg
> Requested value:  CONFIG_MAX1363=m
> Actual value:     # CONFIG_MAX1363 is not set
> Config 'MAX1363' has the following conditionals:
>    I2C (value: "y")
> Dependency values are:
>    I2C [y]
> My problem is that I don't understand why the options are not being applied.
> For the MAX_9768, it depends on I2C=y which is true. I've run the linux
> kernel menu config and when I get to the Sound SOC support none of the
> drivers that require I2C support (i.e. 'select SND_SOC_MAX9768 if I2C')
> are displayed. I don't see anything else that would disable them, the
> other drivers in the SOC Kconfig that don't depend on I2C or that depend
> on SPI_MASTER are displayed.
> The MAX1363 can be set in the menuconfig to 'm', but still won't set
> from the scc, cfg files.
> Any insight into what's going on here would be greatly appreciated.

I can help with this ... but first, is this a configuration that I can
build myself ? i.e. what branch, what layers and what extra configs
would I need ?


> Regards,
> cid:image001.png@01D35D7D.179A7510
> *Greg Wilson-Lindberg *
> *Principal Firmware Engineer | Sakura Finetek USA, Inc. *
> **
> 1750 W 214^th Street | Torrance, CA 90501 | U.S.A.
> T: +1 310 783 5075
> F: +1 310 618 6902 | E: gwil...@sakuraus.com<mailto:gwil...@sakuraus.com>
> www.sakuraus.com<http://www.sakuraus.com>
> cid:image002.png@01D35D7D.179A7510
> cid:image003.png@01D35D7D.179A7510
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> your inbox. Thank you.

Attachment: linux-raspberrypi_4.4.bbappend
Description: linux-raspberrypi_4.4.bbappend

Attachment: Scribe.cfg
Description: Scribe.cfg

Attachment: Scribe.scc
Description: Scribe.scc

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