well apparently this is caused by the unzip binary that is compiled by
the openembedded unzip recipe.
If I unzip the same zip file with the unzip binary that is shipped with
my system(manjaro) then the files are not corrupted but when I use the
unzip binary compiled by the openembedded recipe I get error and file
These are some of the errors I get when unzipping with the openembedded
lchmod (file attributes) error: Function not implemented
linux-amlogic-amlogic-3.14-nougat/security/keys/request_key_auth.c -> /*
Request key authorisation token key definition.^J *^J * Copyright (C)
2005 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.^J * Written by David Howells
(dhowe...@redhat.com)^J *^J * This program is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or^J * modify it under the terms of the GNU General
Public License^J * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version^J * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.^J
*^J * See Documentation/security/keys-request-key.txt^J */^J^J#include
<linux/module.h>^J#include <linux/sched.h>^J#include
<linux/err.h>^J#include <linux/seq_file.h>^J#include
<linux/slab.h>^J#include <asm/uaccess.h>^J#include
"internal.h"^J#include <keys/user-type.h>^J^Jstatic int
request_key_auth_instantiate(struct key *,^J^I^I^I^I^Istruct
key_preparsed_payload *);^Jstatic void request_key_auth_describe(const
struct key *, struct seq_file *);^Jstatic void
request_key_auth_revoke(struct key *);^Jstatic void
request_key_auth_destroy(struct key *);^Jstatic long
request_key_auth_read(const struct key *, char __user *,
size_t);^J^J/*^J * The request-key authorisation key type definition.^J
*/^Jstruct key_type key_type_request_key_auth = {^J^I.name^I^I=
".request_key_auth",^J^I.def_datalen^I= sizeof(struct
request_key_auth_read,^J};^J^J/*^J * Instantiate a request-key
authorisation key.^J */^Jstatic int request_key_auth_instantiate(struct
key *key,^J^I^I^I^I^Istruct key_preparsed_payload
*prep)^J{^J^Ikey->payload.data = (struct request_key_auth
*)prep->data;^J^Ireturn 0;^J}^J^J/*^J * Describe an authorisation
token.^J */^Jstatic void request_key_auth_describe(const struct key
*key,^J^I^I^I^I struct seq_file *m)^J{^J^Istruct request_key_auth *rka =
key->payload.data;^J^J^Iseq_puts(m, "key:");^J^Iseq_puts(m,
key->description);^J^Iif (key_is_instantiated(key))^J^I^Iseq_printf(m, "
pid:%d ci:%zu", rka->pid, rka->callout_len);^J}^J^J/*^J * Read the
callout_info data (retrieves the callout information).^J * - the key's
semaphore is read-locked^J */^Jstatic long request_key_auth_read(const
struct key *key,^J^I^I^I^I char __user *buffer, size_t
buflen)^J{^J^Istruct request_key_auth *rka =
key->payload.data;^J^Isize_t datalen;^J^Ilong ret;^J^J^Idatalen =
rka->callout_len;^J^Iret = datalen;^J^J^I/* we can return the data as is
*/^J^Iif (buffer && buflen > 0) {^J^I^Iif (buflen >
datalen)^J^I^I^Ibuflen = datalen;^J^J^I^Iif (copy_to_user(buffer,
rka->callout_info, buflen) != 0)^J^I^I^Iret = -EFAULT;^J^I}^J^J^Ireturn
ret;^J}^J^J/*^J * Handle revocation of an authorisation token key.^J *^J
* Called with the key sem write-locked.^J */^Jstatic void
request_key_auth_revoke(struct key *key)^J{^J^Istruct request_key_auth
*rka = key->payload.data;^J^J^Ikenter("{%d}", key->serial);^J^J^Iif
(rka->cred) {^J^I^Iput_cred(rka->cred);^J^I^Irka->cred =
NULL;^J^I}^J}^J^J/*^J * Destroy an instantiation authorisation token
key.^J */^Jstatic void request_key_auth_destroy(struct key
*key)^J{^J^Istruct request_key_auth *rka =
key->payload.data;^J^J^Ikenter("{%d}", key->serial);^J^J^Iif (rka->cred)
{^J^I^Iput_cred(rka->cred);^J^I^Irka->cred =
* Create an authorisation token for /sbin/request-key or whoever to
gain^J * access to the caller's security data.^J */^Jstruct key
*request_key_auth_new(struct key *target, const void
*callout_info,^J^I^I^I^I size_t callout_len, struct key
*dest_keyring)^J{^J^Istruct request_key_auth *rka, *irka;^J^Iconst
struct cred *cred = current->cred;^J^Istruct key *authkey =
NULL;^J^Ichar desc[20];^J^Iint ret;^J^J^Ikenter("%d,",
target->serial);^J^J^I/* allocate a auth record */^J^Irka =
kmalloc(sizeof(*rka), GFP_KERNEL);^J^Iif (!rka) {^J^I^Ikleave(" =
-ENOMEM");^J^I^Ireturn ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);^J^I}^J^Irka->callout_info =
kmalloc(callout_len, GFP_KERNEL);^J^Iif (!rka->callout_info)
{^J^I^Ikleave(" = -ENOMEM");^J^I^Ikfree(rka);^J^I^Ireturn
ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);^J^I}^J^J^I/* see if the calling process is already
servicing the key request of^J^I * another process */^J^Iif
(cred->request_key_auth) {^J^I^I/* it is - use that instantiation
context here too
*/^J^I^Idown_read(&cred->request_key_auth->sem);^J^J^I^I/* if the auth
key has been revoked, then the key we're^J^I^I * servicing is already
instantiated */^J^I^Iif (test_bit(KEY_FLAG_REVOKED,
auth_key_revoked;^J^J^I^Iirka =
cred->request_key_auth->payload.data;^J^I^Irka->cred =
get_cred(irka->cred);^J^I^Irka->pid =
{^J^I^I/* it isn't - use this process as the context */^J^I^Irka->cred =
get_cred(cred);^J^I^Irka->pid = current->pid;^J^I}^J^J^Irka->target_key
= key_get(target);^J^Irka->dest_keyring =
key_get(dest_keyring);^J^Imemcpy(rka->callout_info, callout_info,
callout_len);^J^Irka->callout_len = callout_len;^J^J^I/* allocate the
auth key */^J^Isprintf(desc, "%x", target->serial);^J^J^Iauthkey =
key_alloc(&key_type_request_key_auth, desc,^J^I^I^I cred->fsuid,
cred->fsgid, cred,^J^I^I^I KEY_POS_VIEW | KEY_POS_READ |
(IS_ERR(authkey)) {^J^I^Iret = PTR_ERR(authkey);^J^I^Igoto
error_alloc;^J^I}^J^J^I/* construct the auth key */^J^Iret =
key_instantiate_and_link(authkey, rka, 0, NULL, NULL);^J^Iif (ret <
0)^J^I^Igoto error_inst;^J^J^Ikleave(" = {%d,%d}", authkey->serial,
%d", ret);^J^Ireturn ERR_PTR(ret);^J}^J^J/*^J * Search the current
process's keyrings for the authorisation key for^J * instantiation of a
key.^J */^Jstruct key *key_get_instantiation_authkey(key_serial_t
target_id)^J{^J^Ichar description[16];^J^Istruct keyring_search_context
ctx = {^J^I^I.index_key.type^I^I=
description,^J^I^I.cred^I^I^I= current_cred(),^J^I^I.match^I^I^I=
user_match,^J^I^I.match_data^I^I= description,^J^I^I.flags^I^I^I=
KEYRING_SEARCH_LOOKUP_DIRECT,^J^I};^J^Istruct key *authkey;^J^Ikey_ref_t
authkey_ref;^J^J^Isprintf(description, "%x",
target_id);^J^J^Iauthkey_ref = search_process_keyrings(&ctx);^J^J^Iif
(IS_ERR(authkey_ref)) {^J^I^Iauthkey = ERR_CAST(authkey_ref);^J^I^Iif
(authkey == ERR_PTR(-EAGAIN))^J^I^I^Iauthkey =
ERR_PTR(-ENOKEY);^J^I^Igoto error;^J^I}^J^J^Iauthkey =
key_ref_to_ptr(authkey_ref);^J^Iif (test_bit(KEY_FLAG_REVOKED,
&authkey->flags)) {^J^I^Ikey_put(authkey);^J^I^Iauthkey =
ERR_PTR(-EKEYREVOKED);^J^I}^J^Jerror:^J^Ireturn authkey;^J}^J
symlink error: File name too long
lchmod (file attributes) error: Function not implemented
linux-amlogic-amlogic-3.14-nougat/tools/gator/daemon/k/perf_event.h ->
lchmod (file attributes) error: Function not implemented
This error happens to multiple files where the file is symlinked to the
content of the file and not to a path !
Where should I report this bug ? openembedded ? unzip upstream ?
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