TestID was determined from testopia, 

Alim Hussin

-----Original Message-----
From: akuster808 [mailto:akuster...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2018 10:52 PM
To: Hussin, Mohamad Noor Alim <mohamad.noor.alim.hus...@intel.com>; 
yocto@yoctoproject.org; richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org
Subject: Re: [yocto] [PATCH] runtime: Add support to manual BSP test cases

On 07/13/2018 05:08 AM, mohamad.noor.alim.hus...@intel.com wrote:
> From: Mohamad Noor Alim Hussin <mohamad.noor.alim.hus...@intel.com>
> This is manual BSP test cases that have converted to auto test cases 
> for QA release. Manualbsp.py has dependency on file bsphardware that 
> run on hardware.
How do the TestID get determined?

Also, I think this patch needs to be cc'd to 
> Signed-off-by: Mohamad Noor Alim Hussin 
> <mohamad.noor.alim.hus...@intel.com>
> ---
>  meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/manualbsp.py | 122 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/files/bsphardware  
> | 132 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 254 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/manualbsp.py
>  create mode 100755 meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/files/bsphardware
> diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/manualbsp.py 
> b/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/manualbsp.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..22d0d33
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/manualbsp.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
> +from oeqa.runtime.case import OERuntimeTestCase from 
> +oeqa.core.decorator.depends import OETestDepends from 
> +oeqa.core.decorator.oeid import OETestID import subprocess import 
> +time
> +
> +class BspRuntimeTest(OERuntimeTestCase):
> +
> +    @OETestID(240)
> +    def test_check_bash(self):
> +        status, output = self.target.run('which bash')
> +        msg = ('bash shell not working as expected. '
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> +    @OETestID(228)
> +    def test_runlevel_5(self):
> +        status, output = self.target.run('init 5')
> +        msg = ('System unable to init 5 '
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 255, msg = msg)
> +        time.sleep(2)
> +        command = 'bsphardware -r 5'
> +        status, output = self.target.run(command)
> +        msg = ('System did not start from runlevel 5. '
> +                'Status:%s.' % (status))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> +    @OETestID(198)
> +    def test_runlevel_3(self):
> +        status, output = self.target.run('init 3')
> +        msg = ('System unable to start with runlevel 3. '
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 255, msg = msg)
> +        time.sleep(2)
> +        command = 'bsphardware -r 3'
> +        status, output = self.target.run(command)
> +        msg = ('Unable to change from runlevel 5 to 3. '
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> +class BspHardwareTest(OERuntimeTestCase):
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def setUpClass(cls):
> +        src = os.path.join(cls.tc.runtime_files_dir, 'bsphardware')
> +        cls.tc.target.run('mkdir ~/test')
> +        cls.tc.target.copyTo(src, '/usr/bin')
> +
> +    @classmethod
> +    def tearDownClass(cls):
> +        cls.tc.target.run('rm -rf ~/test')
> +
> +    @OETestID(216)
> +    def test_USB_mount(self):
> +        command = 'bsphardware -d sd -sp 1 -m ~/test/stick'
> +        status, output = self.target.run(command)
> +        msg = ('Unable to mount USB stick. '
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> +    @OETestID(217)
> +    @OETestDepends(['manualbsp.BspHardwareTest.test_USB_write_file'])
> +    def test_USB_read_file(self):
> +        command = 'cat ~/test/stick/hello_stick'
> +        status, output = self.target.run(command)
> +        msg = ('Unable to read file from USB stick. '
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> +    @OETestDepends(['manualbsp.BspHardwareTest.test_USB_mount'])
> +    @OETestID(219)
> +    def test_USB_write_file(self):
> +        command = 'touch ~/test/stick/hello_stick'
> +        status, output = self.target.run(command)
> +        msg = ('Status and  output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> +    @OETestDepends(['manualbsp.BspHardwareTest.test_USB_mount'])
> +    @OETestID(218)
> +    def test_USB_unmount(self):
> +        command = 'bsphardware -u ~/test/stick'
> +        status, output = self.target.run(command)
> +        msg = ('Unable to unmount USB stick. ' 
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> +    @OETestID(241)
> +    def test_MicroSD_mount(self):
> +        command = 'bsphardware -d mmc -sp p1 -m ~/test/microsd'
> +        status, output = self.target.run(command)
> +        msg = ('Unable to mount MicroSD. '
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' %(status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> +    @OETestDepends(['manualbsp.BspHardwareTest.test_MicroSD_write_file'])
> +    @OETestID(242)
> +    def test_MicroSD_read_file(self):
> +        command = 'cat ~/test/microsd/hello_mmc'
> +        status, output = self.target.run(command)
> +        msg = ('Unable to read MicroSD. '
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> +    @OETestDepends(['manualbsp.BspHardwareTest.test_MicroSD_mount'])
> +    @OETestID(244)
> +    def test_MicroSD_write_file(self):
> +        command = 'touch ~/test/microsd/hello_mmc'
> +        status, output = self.target.run(command)
> +        msg = ('Unable to write to MicroSD. '
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> +    @OETestDepends(['manualbsp.BspHardwareTest.test_MicroSD_mount'])
> +    @OETestID(243)
> +    def test_MicroSD_unmount(self):
> +        command = 'bsphardware -u ~/test/microsd'
> +        status, output = self.target.run(command)
> +        msg = ('Unable to unmount MicroSD. '
> +                'Status and output:%s and %s.' % (status, output))
> +        self.assertEqual(status, 0, msg = msg)
> +
> diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/files/bsphardware 
> b/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/files/bsphardware
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..2640acc
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/files/bsphardware
> @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
> +#!/bin/sh
> +
> +# Description: This script used for Yocto Project BSP test.
> +#              manualbsp.py script is depend on this script
> +#              that available in 
> poky/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/manualbsp.py.
> +#              This script is should be located in
> +#              poky/meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/
> +
> +LOG_FILE="/tmp/bsphardware.log"
> +
> +usage() {
> +echo "BSP hardware test is a script used to test hardware"
> +echo "such as USB stick, micro SD and SSD hard disk on Yocto Project."$'\n'
> +echo "Usage:"
> +echo " -d, --device <keyword, e.g. sd/mmc>            Get device's name"
> +echo " -sp, --setPartition <partition's number>       Set partition's number 
> "
> +echo " -m, --mount <path/to/mount>                    Mount the device to 
> /path/to/mount"
> +echo " -u, --umount <path/to/unmount>                 Unmont the mounted 
> device"
> +echo " -r, --runlevel <3|5>                           Get runlevel on 
> current system"
> +echo " -h, --help                                     Show the usage"$'\n'
> +echo "Examples"
> +echo " bsphardware -d sda -sp 1 -m ~/data   Mount /dev/sda1 on ~/data"
> +}
> +
> +options() {
> +DEVICE=""
> +while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
> +case "$1" in
> +    -d|--device)
> +        echo "[INFO]: get device's name" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +        array_devices=()
> +        index_device=()
> +        array_devices=$(ls /dev/$2*)
> +        for i in ${array_devices[@]}
> +        do
> +            index_device+=($i)
> +        done
> +        DEVICE="${index_device[0]}"
> +        echo "[INFO]: Detected device: $DEVICE"$'\n' 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +        ;;
> +    -sp| --setPartition)
> +        echo "[INFO]: Set partition: $2" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +        SETPARTITION=$2
> +        ;;
> +    -m|mount)
> +        if [[ ! -d $2 ]];then
> +            mkdir -p $2
> +        fi
> +        if [[ "$DEVICE" == "" || " $SETPARTITION" == "" ]]; then
> +            echo "[ERROR]: Target device and partition not found." 2>&1 | 
> tee -a $LOG_FILE 
> +            echo "[INFO]: Use -d <device_keyword> -sp <partition's number> 
> -m <dir>"  2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +        else
> +            echo "[INFO]: Mounting removable media..." 2>&1 | tee -a 
> +            echo "[DEBUG]: commandline: mount $DEVICE$SETPARTITION $2"$'\n' 
> 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE > /dev/null
> +            mount $DEVICE$SETPARTITION $2
> +        fi
> +        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
> +            echo "[INFO]: Device $DEVICE$SETPARTITION mount 
> successfully"$'\n' 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +            exit 0
> +        else
> +            echo "[ERROR]: Unable to mount device $DEVICE$SETPARTITION. 
> Device does not exist"$'\n' 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +            exit 1
> +        fi
> +        ;;
> +    -u|umount)
> +        echo "[INFO]: Unmount $2" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +        if [[ -d $2 ]]; then
> +            echo "[DEBUG]: commandline: umount from $2" 2>&1 | tee -a 
> $LOG_FILE > /dev/null
> +            umount $2
> +        else
> +            echo "[Error]: No mount point on $2"$'\n' 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +            exit 1
> +        fi
> +        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];then 
> +            echo "[INFO]: Device $2 unmount successfully" 2>&1 | tee -a 
> +            echo "[INFO]: Removing mount point on $2" $'\n' 2>&1 | tee -a 
> +            rm -rf $2
> +        else
> +            echo "[ERROR]: Unable to unmount from $2"$'\n' 2>&1 | tee -a 
> +        fi
> +        ;;
> +    -r|--runlevel)
> +        level=$(runlevel | cut -d " " -f2)
> +        echo "[DEBUG]: commandline: runlevel | cut -d ' ' -f2" 2>&1 | tee -a 
> $LOG_FILE > /dev/null
> +        if [[ "$2" == "3" || "$2" == "5" ]]; then
> +            if [[ "$level" == "3" && "$level" == "$2" ]]; then
> +                echo "[DEBUG]: Test runlevel 3"  2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +                echo "[INFO]: System start with runlevel: $level"$'\n' 2>&1 
> | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +                exit 0
> +            elif [[ "$level" == "5" && "$level" == "$2" ]]; then
> +                echo "[DEBUG]: Test runlevel 5" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE > 
> /dev/null
> +                echo "[INFO]: System start with runlevel: $level"$'\n' 2>&1 
> | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +                exit 0
> +            else
> +                echo "[INFO]: System did not start with runlevel: $2"$'\n' 
> 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +                exit 1
> +            fi
> +        else
> +            echo "[ERROR]: Runlevel other than 3 & 5 are not allowed."$'\n' 
> 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
> +            exit 1
> +        fi
> +        ;;
> +    -h|--help)
> +        usage
> +        exit 0
> +        ;;
> +    *) 
> +        echo "[Error]: Arguments $1 is not exists."$'\n' 2>&1 | tee -a 
> +        usage
> +        exit 1
> +        ;;
> +esac
> +shift
> +shift
> +done
> +}
> +
> +main() {
> +if [ "$#" == "0" ];then
> +    usage
> +    exit 1
> +else
> +    echo "[INFO]: Start-Date: $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" 2>&1 | tee -a 
> $LOG_FILE > /dev/null
> +    echo "[DEBUG]: commandline: $0 ${POSITIONAL[*]}" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE 
> > /dev/null
> +    options "${POSITIONAL[@]}"
> +fi
> +}
> +
> +POSITIONAL+=("$@")
> +main ${POSITIONAL[@]}

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